Search API


API Docs

Detailed technical documentation is available here - Search API Documentation


HawkSearch has three environments available: Development, Test and a load-balanced Production. When using the search API methods in this document, the following domains can be used to access each environment after your engine has been set-up in that environment.


Before You Begin

Please ensure that your client-specific endpoints are configured before implementing any API integrations. Please refer to this article to learn more about client-specific endpoints and reach out to our CSD team for any questions.


client-specific URL:

Configurations for an engine in this location are maintained in the HawkSearch Workbench at


client-specific URL:

Configurations for an engine in this location are maintained in the HawkSearch Workbench at


client-specific URL:

Configurations for an engine in this location are maintained in the Hawksearch Workbench at

Search API Methods

Search V2

The 2nd version of search method was extended. The second version of the search method has been modified, mainly in the returned object area. The core change is the way the hierarchical facet values are presented in a way corresponding to his purpose (hierarchy).

This part of documentation describes version 2 and version 1 key differences only - please check first version of search section below for full description.


EndpointMethodHeader Key
api/v2/searchPOSTContent-Type: application/json
X-HawkSearch-IgnoreTracking: true/false

X-HawkSearch-IgnoreTracking key disables tracking in this instance. The value is set to false by default


NameData TypeRequiredDescriptionSource or Admin Section
ClientGuidStringYesAPI Client GuidTracking Key found in Admin > Account Info
RequestTypeStringNoThis field determines how the search engine processes and interprets the input provided in the "Keyword" field.

The value should be one of the following:

1. DefaultSearch: This is the default operation for search queries. If the RequestType field is not specified or is explicitly set to "DefaultSearch", the search engine performs a normal keyword search.

2. ConceptSearch: This search type is designed to interpret natural language more effectively, enabling the engine to return results that are contextually and semantically related to the query, even if the exact keywords are not present in the content.

3. ImageSearch: In this search type, the engine processes image data or descriptions of images provided in the "Keyword" field to find and return relevant images or items. This is particularly useful for searches where visual similarity or content is more important than textual keyword matching.

4. UnifiedSearch: This search type combines multiple search capabilities, keyword, concept, and image search (if enabled), into a single query. By setting RequestType to "UnifiedSearch", the engine processes the input to return a broader set of relevant results.
Configuration of the Concept Search and Image Search can be found in:

1. Concept Search: Workbench >>> Concept Search

2. Image Search:
Workbench >>> Image Search
KeywordStringNo1. When the RequestType is set to DefaultSearch (a.k.a Keyword Search): This field represent the search term entered by a user. If keyword is not included, all items configured to be returned will be returned. When this parameter is populated, the results will be matched against this term by the search engine.

2. When Concept Search is enabled and RequestType is set to ConceptSearch: This field is used to capture the user’s query to conduct a more thematic or contextual search.

3. When Image Search is enabled and the RequestType is set to ImageSearch: This field is used to capture the user’s query to conduct a image search with description of images.
Entered by the user.
ImageDataStringNoThis field should be the Base64-encoded representation of the image you wish to search with (i.e. the one user uploaded). Before submitting an Image Search request, please ensure the image is properly converted to Base64 format.Configuration of the Image Search can be found in:

Image Search:
Workbench >>> Image Search
kValueNumberNoThis is a critical parameter that determines the number of nearest neighbor results to return for a given search query in Concept and Image Search.

The default "kValue" is set to 3. Adjusting the "kValue" can significantly affect the search outcomes:

1. Increasing "kValue" allows for a broader set of results, potentially capturing more items that are less similar to the search input. This can be useful for more comprehensive searches where broader results are desired.2. Decreasing "kValue" narrows down the results, focusing on the closest matches to the query. This is beneficial for highly targeted searches where only the most relevant results are required.
IndexNameStringNoThe name of the index against which the search must be performedWhen the index was created, the IndexName was returned in the response from the Create method or the GetCurrentIndex method. This is also available on the Preview tab in dashboard.
CustomUrlStringNoLanding page Custom URL. When this parameter is populated, the resulting response will be determined by the configuration of the corresponding Landing Page.This matches the Custom URL field within a Landing Page. Can be found Workbench > Merchandising > Landing Pages

Keyword and CustomURL should never be passed in the same request.
PageNoNumberNoPage number of results to return. If no PageNo value is sent, the default is that the first page of results will be returned. Reporting is impacted by sending the PageNo parameter, so it should not be passed for the first page unless the user is navigating back to the first page after visiting another page of results.Valid values are configured in Workbench > Data Configuration > Sorting/Pagination
MaxPerPageNumberNoMaximum number of items to be returned on a page. This value needs to be one of the values configured within the Sorting/Pagination section of the Workbench. If no MaxPerPage value is sent, the default value from the Workbench will be used. The default can vary depending on the pagination set triggered.

Entering 0 in the request will return only facets, no documents.
Valid values are configured in Workbench > Data Configuration > Sorting/Pagination
SortByStringNoThe SortBy value corresponds with the Sorting configuration in the Hawksearch Workbench. This value needs to be one of the values configured within the Sorting/Pagination section of the Workbench. If no SortBy value is sent, the default value from the Workbench will be used. The default can vary depending on the sorting set triggered.Valid values are configured in Workbench > Data Configuration > Sorting/Pagination
SortingSetCodeStringNoSortingSetCode can be used to specify a particular sorting set that should be used for the results. If not passed, the engine will evaluate the rules for each sorting set and pick the first applicable one.Valid values are configured in Workbench > Data Configuration > Sorting/Pagination > Sorting Code
PaginationSetCodeStringNoPaginationSetCode can be used to specify a particular pagination set that should be used for the results. If not passed, the engine will evaluate the rules for each pagination set and pick the first applicable one.Valid values are configured in Workbench > Data Configuration > Sorting/Pagination > Pagination Code
SearchWithinStringNoSearchWithin should be populated if the user has applied a Search Within filter to the results. This functionality needs to be configured in the Hawksearch Workbench in order for it to work.Workbench > Data Configuration > Facets
FacetSelectionsDictionary <string, object []>NoThis is the dictionary of key-value pairs where the key is the name of the facet. The value is the array of values for the selection.The names and values of facets can be taken from the response from a previous calling of the search method. The name can be found in value of the Field object, unless ParamName is set, then use ParamName. The value can be found in the value of the Value object (within the Values object). Examples can be seen in Example 1.2 below.
FacetOverrideArray of stringsNoAn array of facet names that should be returned in the response. If provided, only the facets listed will be returned. If no FacetOverride value is sent, the Workbench configuration will be used to determine and send appropriate facets based on the result set.

If there is a Display Rules on facets will still be evaluated for facets set in FacetOverride. This means that the facet will not be returned, even if set in FacetOverride, if the Display Rule condition is not met.

The Is Visible flag on facets will be honored even if the facet is set in the FacetOverride. This means that a facet set to not be visible will not be returned, even if set in FacetOverride.

Passing an empty object will return no facets.
There are two places that can impact which facets are configured to be returned

Workbench > Data Configuration > Facets > Editing a facet > Display Rule

Workbench > Merchandising > Landing Page > Editing a page > Facet Configuration
FacetHierarchyLevelOverrideDictionary<string, object>NoAllows overriding facet hierarchy levels for specified facets. Options for StartLevel and EndLevel.Configurable in Workbench > Data Configuration > Facets > Add/Edit Facet > Checkbox & Link List > Parent/Top Level of Hierarchy
FieldOverrideArray of stringsNoAn array of field names that will be returned in the response. If provided, only the fields listed will be returned. If no FieldOverride value is sent, the Workbench configuration will be used.

If the Skip from Custom flag is turned “on” for a field, it will not be returned in the response, even if set in the FieldOverride parameter.
Fields will not be returned unless the flag is set at the field level:

Workbench > Data Configuration > Fields > Edit a field > Include in results = On
ClientDataClientData ObjectNoSee Client Data Object section.
IsInPreviewBooleanNoThis is used by the Hawksearch Preview to set to true will display elements in a preview mode.You can use this if you desire additional score information returned.
ExplainDocIdStringNoThis is used by the Hawksearch Preview to display the advanced explanation of an item’s score calculation.You can use this if you desire additional score information returned.
SmartBarArray of objectsNoThese are options that can be set by the user in the SmartBar. You can use this if you desire additional score information returned.
> BoostAndBuryBooleanNoThis is used to enable or disable Boost and Bury Rules.Workbench > Merchandising > Boost & Bury Rules
> VisibilityRulesBooleanNoThis is used to enable or disable Visibility Rules.Workbench > Merchandising > Visibility Rules
> PersonalizedBoostBooleanNoThis is used to enable or disable the boost for Recommended Items.Workbench > Edit Boost for Recommended Items
> PopularityBoostBooleanNoThis is used to enable or disable the boost for Learning Search Multiplier.Workbench > Edit Learning Search Multiplier
> ItemPinBooleanNoThis is used to enable or disable Pinning Rules.Workbench > Merchandising > Item Pinning
> PopularitySalesBoostBooleanNoThis is used to enable or disable the boost for Orders MultiplierWorkbench > Keyword Search > AI Based Multipliers > Order Multiplier
> PopularityAdd2CartBoostBooleanNoThis is used to enable or disable the boost for Add2Carts MultiplierWorkbench > Keyword Search > AI Based Multipliers > Add2Carts Multiplier
Is100CoverageTurnedOnBooleanNoIf all of the records in a result set have the same value(s) in a facet, the facet does not provide value to the user. To flag such facets as not visible, set this flag to "true."
QueryStringNoUse this to perform searches on one or more specific fields without needing to create facets for them.For examples, see Field-specific Search
BoostQueriesArrayNoCollection of boosting objectsFor examples, see Dynamic Query Boost Search
> queryAlphanumeric stringNoThe field(s) and value(s) to be searched for
> boostIntegerNo The boost value for the particular filter provided by the query parameter
VariantObjectNoSee Variant Object SectionHawksearch 4.0 Variants


    "ClientGuid": "{{client_guid}}",
    "IndexName": "{{index}}",
    "IsInPreview": false,
    "Keyword": "Trestle 15 Item_72351",
    "SmartBar": {
        "BoostAndBury": true,
        "VisibilityRules": false,
        "PersonalizedBoost": true,
        "PopularityBoost": true,
        "ItemPin": true,
        "PopularitySalesBoost": true,
        "PopularityAdd2CartBoost": true

Examples - Facet Hierarchy Level Override

        "department_nest" :{
            "EndLevel" : 3


NameData TypeRequiredDescription
SuccessBooleanYesIndicates if request was successful. If the result is nit successfull, please
PaginationPagination objectYesSummary of pagination details and a set of pagination options. See Pagination Object section.
KeywordStringYesThe Keyword value that was sent to Hawksearch in the request. If no Keyword was set in request, the value will be empty.
ResultsArray of objectsYesSee Results Object section.
FacetsArray of objectsSee Facet Object section.
VisitorTargetsArray of objectsSee VisitorTargets Object section.
SelectionsArray of objectsSee Selections Object section.
SortingSorting ObjectSee Sorting Object section.
AdjustedKeywordStringNoIf this is populated, it indicates that the Keyword value returned 0 results, but the results in this response are from this AdjustedKeyword. A message should be displayed to the user informing them that their search was corrected to this string.

This is the result of Auto Correct, which is configured in the Workbench > Keyword Search > Did You Mean
DidYouMeanArray of stringsYesIf any strings are returned in the array, they should be displayed to the user as suggested search terms.

This is the result of Did You Mean, which is configured in the Workbench > Keyword Search > Did You Mean
MerchandisingArray of objectsNoSee Merchandising Object section.
FeaturedItemsArray of objectsNoSee Featured Items Object section.
SearchDurationNumericYesNumber of milliseconds
RedirectRedirect ObjectSee Redirect Object section.
PageContentPageContent ObjectSee PageContent Object section.


The Search method is used to retrieve search results or to retrieve the contents for a Landing Page. Either the Keyword or CustomUrl parameter should be included anytime this method is used. The following are use-cases for when this method should be used.

Retrieve Search Results

  • Search by keyword entered by user
  • Refinement of search results when user selects facet(s)
  • Another page of search results when user moves to another page of search results
  • Resorted results when user sorts search results
  • Refinement of search results when user applies a “search within” refinement

Retrieve Landing Pages

  • Initial loading of a Landing Page; for both content or product listing type of Landing Pages
  • Refinement of product listing on a Landing Page when user selects facet(s)
  • Another page of products when user moves to another page listed products of a Landing Page
  • Resorted products when user sorts items within a Landing Page
  • Refinement of product listing when user applies a “search within” refinement


EndpointMethodHeader Key
api/searchPOSTContent-Type: application/json
X-HawkSearch-IgnoreTracking: true/false

X-HawkSearch-IgnoreTracking key disables tracking in this instance. The value is set to false by default


NameData TypeRequiredDescriptionSource or Admin Section
ClientGuidStringYesAPI Client GuidTracking Key found in Admin > Account Info
KeywordStringNoSearch term entered by a user. If keyword is not included, all items configured to be returned will be returned. When this parameter is populated, the results will be matched against this term by the search engine.Entered by the user.

Keyword and CustomURL should never be passed in the same request.
CustomUrlStringNoLanding page Custom URL. When this parameter is populated, the resulting response will be determined by the configuration of the corresponding Landing Page.This matches the Custom URL field within a Landing Page. Can be found Workbench > Merchandising > Landing Pages

Keyword and CustomURL should never be passed in the same request.
PageNoNumberNoPage number of results to return. If no PageNo value is sent, the default is that the first page of results will be returned. Reporting is impacted by sending the PageNo parameter, so it should not be passed for the first page unless the user is navigating back to the first page after visiting another page of results.Valid values are configured in Workbench > Data Configuration > Sorting/Pagination
MaxPerPageNumberNoMaximum number of items to be returned on a page. This value needs to be one of the values configured within the Sorting/Pagination section of the Workbench. If no MaxPerPage value is sent, the default value from the Workbench will be used. The default can vary depending on the pagination set triggered.

Entering 0 in the request will return only facets, no documents.
Valid values are configured in Workbench > Data Configuration > Sorting/Pagination
SortByStringNoThe SortBy value corresponds with the Sorting configuration in the Hawksearch Workbench. This value needs to be one of the values configured within the Sorting/Pagination section of the Workbench. If no SortBy value is sent, the default value from the Workbench will be used. The default can vary depending on the sorting set triggered.Valid values are configured in Workbench > Data Configuration > Sorting/Pagination
SortingSetCodeStringNoSortingSetCode can be used to specify a particular sorting set that should be used for the results. If not passed, the engine will evaluate the rules for each sorting set and pick the first applicable one.Valid values are configured in Workbench > Data Configuration > Sorting/Pagination > Sorting Code
PaginationSetCodeStringNoPaginationSetCode can be used to specify a particular paginationset that should be used for the results. If not passed, the engine will evaluate the rules for each pagination set and pick the first applicable one.Valid values are configured in Workbench > Data Configuration > Sorting/Pagination > Pagination Code
SearchWithinStringNoSearchWithin should be populated if the user has applied a Search Within filter to the results. This functionality needs to be configured in the Hawksearch Workbench in order for it to work.Workbench > Data Configuration > Facets
FacetSelectionsDictionary <string, object[]>NoThis is the dictionary of key-value pairs where the key is the name of the facet. The value is the array of values for the selection.The names and values of facets can be taken from the response from a previous calling of the search method. The name can be found in value of the Field object, unless ParamName is set, then use ParamName. The value can be found in the value of the Value object (within the Values object). Examples can be seen in Example 1.2 below.
FacetOverrideArray of stringsNoAn array of facet names that should be returned in the response. If provided, only the facets listed will be returned. If no FacetOverride value is sent, the Workbench configuration will be used to determine and send appropriate facets based on the result set.

If there is a Display Rules on facets will still be evaluated for facets set in FacetOverride. This means that the facet will not be returned, even if set in FacetOverride, if the Display Rule condition is not met.

The Is Visible flag on facets will be honored even if the facet is set in the FacetOverride. This means that a facet set to not be visible will not be returned, even if set in FacetOverride.

Passing an empty object will return no facets. See example
There are two places that can impact which facets are configured to be returned

Workbench > Data Configuration > Facets > Editing a facet > Display Rule

Workbench > Merchandising > Landing Page > Editing a page > Facet Configuration
FieldOverrideArray of stringsNoAn array of field names that will be returned in the response. If provided, only the fields listed will be returned. If no FieldOverride value is sent, the Workbench configuration will be used.

If the Skip from Custom flag is turned “on” for a field, it will not be returned in the response, even if set in the FieldOverride parameter.
Fields will not be returned unless the flag is set at the field level:

Workbench > Data Configuration > Fields > Edit a field > Include in results = On
ClientDataClientData ObjectNoSee Client Data Object section.
IsInPreviewBooleanNoThis is used by the Hawksearch Preview to set to true will display elements in a preview mode.You can use this if you desire additional score information returned.
ExplainDocIdStringNoThis is used by the Hawksearch Preview to display the advanced explanation of an item’s score calculation.You can use this if you desire additional score information returned.
SmartBarArray of objectsNoThese are used by the Hawksearch PreviewThese are options that can be set by the user in the Preview SmartBar. You can use this if you desire additional score information returned.
> BoostAndBuryBooleanNoThis is used by the Hawksearch Preview to enable or disable Boost and Bury Rules.Workbench > Merchandising > Boost & Bury Rules
> VisibilityRulesBooleanNoThis is used by the Hawksearch Preview to enable or disable Visibility Rules.Workbench > Merchandising > Visibility Rules
> PersonalizedBoostBooleanNoThis is used by the Hawksearch Preview to enable or disable the boost for Recommended Items.Workbench > Edit Boost for Recommended Items
> PopularityBoostBooleanNoThis is used by the Hawksearch Preview to enable or disable the boost for Learning Search Multiplier.Workbench > Edit Learning Search Multiplier
> ItemPinBooleanNoThis is used by the Hawksearch Preview to enable or disable Pinning Rules.Workbench > Merchandising > Item Pinning
Is100CoverageTurnedOnBooleanNoIf all of the records in a result set have the same value(s) in a facet, the facet does not provide value to the user. To flag such facets as not visible, set this flag to "true."
QueryStringNoUse this to perform searches on one or more specific fields without needing to create facets for them.For examples, see Field-specific Search
BoostQueryStringNoUse this to perform boosts on one or more specific fields.For examples, see Field-Boost Search


Example 1.1 Retrieving search results

    "ClientGuid" : "client_guid",
    "Keyword" : "jack",
        "VisitorId" : "2F87556F-AA2F-438E-A52C-AFF4B7E10EB5",
        "Custom" : {"some key" : "some value"},
        "HttpTrueClientIp" : "",
        "UserAgent" : "some agent",
        "Source" : ""

Example 1.2 Filtering and sorting the search results (with a field override)

    "ClientGuid" : "client_guid",
    "Keyword" : "jack",
    "FieldOverride" : ["itemname", "isonsale"],
    "SortBy" : "saleprice",
    "FacetSelections": {
        "pricerange": ["1,25"],
        "Brand": [
          "Columbia Sportswear",
        "zip_postal_code_range": ["ba3,bl6"]
          "VisitorId" : "2F87556F-AA2F-438E-A52C-AFF4B7E10EB5",
          "Custom" : {"some key" : "some value"},
          "HttpTrueClientIp" : "",
          "UserAgent" : "some agent",
          "Source" : ""

Example 1.3 Retrieving Landing Page contents

    "ClientGuid" : "client_guid",
    "CustomUrl" : "/best-sellers",
          "VisitorId" : "2F87556F-AA2F-438E-A52C-AFF4B7E10EB5",
          "Custom" : {"some key" : "some value"},
          "HttpTrueClientIp" : "",
          "UserAgent" : "some agent",
  "Source" : ""

Example 1.4 Pagination selections

    "ClientGuid" : "client_guid",
    "keyword" : "jacket",
    "PageNo" : 3,
    "MaxPerPage" : 24

Example Max Per Page override

Entering MaxPerPage equal to 0 in the request will return only facets, no result documents:

    "ClientGuid" : "client_guid",
    "MaxPerPage" : 0

    "Facets": [
            "FacetId": 1,
            "Name": "Department",
            "Field": "department_nest",
            "FieldType": "string",
    "Success": true,
    "Pagination": {
        "NofResults": 2400,
        "CurrentPage": 0,
        "MaxPerPage": 0,
        "NofPages": 0,
        "Items": [],
        "IsShowFirstLink": true,
        "IsShowLastLink": true,
        "NumberOfPageLinks": 5
    "Keyword": "",
    "Results": [],

Example Filtering results with a Facet Override parameter

To return an array of facets, the associated facet field names should be provided:

    "ClientGuid" : "client_guid",
    "FacetOverride" : ["department_nest", "price"]

To return no Facet object an empty array can be passed:

    "ClientGuid" : "client_guid",
    "FacetOverride" : [""]


NameData TypeRequiredDescription
SuccessBooleanYesIndicates if the request was successful.
PaginationPagination objectYesSummary of pagination details and a set of pagination options. See Pagination Object section.
KeywordStringYesThe Keyword value that was sent to Hawksearch in the request. If no Keyword was set in request, the value will be empty.
ResultsArray of objectsYesSee Results Object section.
FacetsArray of objectsNoSee Facet Object section.
VisitorTargetsArray of objectsNoSee VisitorTargets Object section.
SelectionsArray of objectsNoSee Selections Object section.
SortingSorting objectNoSee Sorting Object section.
AdjustedKeywordStringNoIf this is populated, it indicates that the Keyword value returned 0 results, but the results in this response are from this AdjustedKeyword. A message should be displayed to the user informing them that their search was corrected to this string.

This is the result of Auto Correct, which is configured in the Workbench > Keyword Search > Did You Mean
DidYouMeanArray of stringsYesIf any strings are returned in the array, they should be displayed to the user as suggested search terms.

This is the result of Did You Mean, which is configured in the Workbench > Keyword Search > Did You Mean
MerchandisingArray of objectsNoSee Merchandising Object section.
FeaturedItemsArray of objectsNoSee Featured Items Object section.
SearchDurationNumericYesNumber of milliseconds
RedirectRedirect objectNoSee Redirect Object section.
PageContentPageContent objectNoSee Page Content Object section.


The basic structure of the response. Individual examples of the arrays can be found in the Objects section.

    "Success": true,
    "Pagination": {},
    "Keyword": "jacket",
    "Results": [],
    "Facets": [],
    "Selections": {},
    "Sorting": {},
    "DidYouMean": [],
    "Merchandising": {},
    "FeaturedItems": {},
    "SearchDuration": 12


The compare method is to be called when users willing to compare one or more items. This is a full API version of the compare.


EndpointMethodHeader Key
api/v2/comparePOSTContent-Type: application/json


NameData TypeRequiredDescription
ClientGuidStringYesAPI Client Guid
IdsArray of stringsYesAn array of unique identifiers of items that will be compare.
The maximum number of items to be compared at one time cannot exceed five.
FieldOverrideArray of stringsNoAn array of field names that if passes, Hawksearch will return in a response. If not specified response will return all fields marked as "Include in Results" in dashboard.
IndexNameStringNoThe name of the index that should be queried to get compared items data.


Example 2.2

"ClientGuid": "client_guid",
"Ids": [
"FieldOverride": [


NameData TypeRequiredDescription
SuccessBooleanYesIndicates if request was successful.
ResultsArray of objectsYesSee Compare Results Object section.


Example 3.2

    "Success": true,
    "Results": [
            "DocId": "Item_147844",
            "Score": 1,
            "Document": {
                "imagealttag": {
                    "value": [
                    "compare": false
                "price": {
                    "value": [
                    "compare": false
                "itemname": {
                    "value": [
                        "Boy's Glacial Half Zip Jacket Junior"
                    "compare": false
                "sku": {
                    "value": [
                        "\r\n    "
                    "compare": true
            "DocId": "Item_147628",
            "Score": 1,
            "Document": {
                "imagealttag": {
                    "value": [
                    "compare": false
                "price": {
                    "value": [
                    "compare": false
                "itemname": {
                    "value": [
                        "Girl's Pearl Plush Full Zip Junior"
                    "compare": false
                "sku": {
                    "value": [
                        "\r\n    "
                    "compare": true


Pagination Object

A pagination object will always be returned in the response from the Search method, even if there are 0 results. Pagination settings can be configured in the Hawksearch Workbench. The configurations include how many results appear per page, the default number per page and the display value for the user.


NameData TypeRequiredDescription
NoOfResultsNumberYesNumber of total items in the result set.
CurrentPageNumberYesThe page number returned
MaxPerPageNumberYesThe number of items returned for the page.
Entering 0 in the request will return only facets, no documents.
NoOfPagesNumberYesThe total number of pages for the result set (with the current MaxPerPage)
ItemsArray of objectsYesSet of pagination options
> LabelStringYesDisplay label for user’s pagination option (i.e. 24 per page)
> PageSizeNumberYesMaximum number of items that will be returned per page when this option is selected.
> SelectedBooleanYesTrue or false, indicating if this is the option selected. Only 1 Pagination Item will have Selected=true.
> DefaultBooleanYesTrue or false, indicating if this is the default option. Only 1 Pagination Item will have Selected=true.
IsShowFirstLinkBooleanYesTrue or false, indicating if a link to the first page should be displayed. This is configured Workbench > Data Configuration > Sorting/Pagination > Show First Link
IsShowLastLinkBooleanYesTrue or false, indicating if a link to the last page should be displayed. This is configured Workbench > Data Configuration > Sorting/Pagination > Show Last Link
NumberOfPagesLinkNumberYesThis is the number of page links that should be displayed to the user. This is configured Workbench > Data Configuration > Sorting/Pagination > Number of Page Links


Example 10.1 - An object in a response with no results:

"Pagination": {
        "NofResults": 0,
        "CurrentPage": 1,
        "MaxPerPage": 12,
        "NofPages": 1,
        "Items": [
                "Label": "12 Items Per Page",
                "PageSize": 12,
                "Selected": true,
                "Default": true
                "Label": "24 Items Per Page",
                "PageSize": 24,
                "Selected": false,
                "Default": false
                "Label": "36 Items Per Page",
                "PageSize": 36,
                "Selected": false,
                "Default": false

Example 10.2 - An object in a response with results

"Pagination": {
        "NofResults": 91,
        "CurrentPage": 1,
        "MaxPerPage": 12,
        "NofPages": 7,
        "Items": [
                "Label": "12 Items Per Page",
                "PageSize": 12,
                "Selected": true,
               "Default": true
                "Label": "24 Items Per Page",
                "PageSize": 24,
                "Selected": false,
                "Default": false
                "Label": "36 Items Per Page",
                "PageSize": 36,
                "Selected": false,
                "Default": false

Results Object

The Results Object is returned in the Search method and the Autocomplete method.


NameData TypeRequiredDescription
ResultsArray of objectsYesAn entry in the array for each item returned in search results.
DocIdStringValue of the unique key
ScoreNumberThe relevancy score that has been calculated by the Hawksearch engine.
DocumentContains propertiesContains the fields assigned to each item. This is driven by the fields defined in Hawksearch Workbench.
BestFragmentStringThe Best Fragment feature creates synopsis of a larger field that can be used for display. The types of field that utilized this feature are: Long Description, Title, Content (body content), or Name. This is configured in Workbench > Data Configuration > Fields
ExplainContains propertiesExplain will only shown when "IsInPreview" is set to "true"
> TotalBoostNumberThe sum of the boost of all the Boost & Bury rules applied.
> RulesArray of objects
>> IsTriggerBooleantrue: The rule is activated only when predefined conditions are met.

false: The rule is universally applied, independent of any conditions.
>> NameStringName of the Boost & Bury rule applied
>> RuleIdNumberThe id of this rule
>> BoostNumberThe boost value of this rule. Value is configured in Workbench > Merchandising > Boost & Bury Rules > Add/Edit Boost & Bury Rule > Select Items to Boost
>> PriorityNumberThe priority of this rule
> VisibilityRulesArray of objectsVisbility rules will only shown when "VisibilityRules" within "SmartBar" Object is set to "false"
>> IsTriggerBooleantrue: The rule is activated only when predefined conditions are met.

false: The rule is universally applied, independent of any conditions.
>> NameStringName of the Visibility rule applied
>> RuleIdNumberThe id of this rule
>> PriorityNumberThe priority of this rule
IsPinBooleanTrue or false, indicating if the record has been pinned into its place. Pinning is configured in Preview or in Workbench > Merchandising > Item Pinning


Example 11.1 - The values in the Document object will vary. This is dependent on the fields that are configured in your Hawksearch engine workbench, and the fields that are flagged to be included in the results.

          "DocId": "Item_119547",
          "Score": 775.7318,
          "Document": {
                   "image": [
                   "itemname": [
                             "Women's Trabagon Rain Jacket"
                   "isonsale": [
                   "size-property": [
                             "Extra Large"
                   "color-property": [
                   "itemtypeid": [
                   "saleprice": [
                   "rating": [
                   "type": [
                   "url": [
                   "ratingrange": [
                   "imagealttag": [
                   "subdepartmentpath": [
                             "1|Summer Sale",
                   "price": [
                   "department_nest": [
                             "1|Summer Sale",
                             "2|Summer Sale/Women",
                             "3|Summer Sale/Women/Jackets",
                             "3|Women/Jackets/Casual Jackets",
                             "3|Women/Jackets/Rain Jackets",
                             "2|Specials/Sat Dec 15th",
                             "3|Specials/Sat Dec 15th/Kids",
                             "3|Specials/Sat Dec 15th/Women's"
                   "id": [
                   "sku": [
                             "\r\n    "
                   "brand": [
                             "White Sierra"

Example 11.2 - An example of the complete Explain object when "IsInPreview" is set to "true", and "VisibilityRules" is set to "false"

            "Explain": {
                "TotalBoost": 300.0,
                "Rules": [
                        "IsTrigger": false,
                        "Name": "Joe Rule",
                        "RuleId": 30489,
                        "Boost": 100.0,
                        "Priority": 1
                        "IsTrigger": false,
                        "Name": "Global test with current month",
                        "RuleId": 56645,
                        "Boost": 200.0,
                        "Priority": 2
                        "IsTrigger": false,
                        "Name": "Current Year Boost And Bury Rule",
                        "RuleId": 56630,
                        "Boost": 0.0,
                        "Priority": 3
                "VisibilityRules": [
                        "IsTrigger": false,
                        "Name": "HSP-159 Test ",
                        "RuleId": 30546,
                        "Priority": 1

Selections Object

The Selections Object may be contained in the response from the Search method.


NameData TypeRequiredDescription
SelectionsSet of objectYesWill contain an entry for each facet that has one or more selections. Will be empty if no facet selections have been made.
> [field name of facet]
>> LabelStringDisplay name for facet
>> ItemsArray of objectsWill contain an entry for each selection made within the facet.
>>> LabelStringDisplay label for facet value
>>> ValueStringValue for facet value. If this is an OpenRange type of facet, this string holds the lower and upper bounds that were entered.


Example 12.1

"Selections": {
        "brand": {
            "Label": "Brand",
            "Items": [
                    "Label": "Marmot",
                    "Value": "Marmot"
                    "Label": "Columbia Sportswear",
                    "Value": "Columbia Sportswear"
        "isonsale": {
            "Label": "On Sale",
            "Items": [
                    "Label": "Yes",
                    "Value": "Yes"

Example 12.2

 "Selections": {
        "zip_postal_code_range": {
            "Label": "Postal Code",
            "Items": [
                    "Label": "ba3,bl6",
                    "Value": "ba3,bl6"

Sorting Object

The Sorting Object may be contained in the response from the Search method.


NameData TypeRequiredDescription
ItemsArray of objectsYes
> LabelStringYesName of the sorting option. This is the label to display to users.
> ValueStringYesThe value to be used to specify the sort order once user selects it. This value is passed in the SortBy object in the Search method.
> IsDefaultBooleanYesIndicates if this sorting option was configured to be the default.
> SelectedBooleanYesIndicates if this sorting option is currently being used for the current result set.


The sorting options returned depend on the configuration in the Hawksearch Workbench > Data Configuration > Sorting/Pagination.

Example 13.1

"Sorting": {
        "Items": [
                "Label": "Best Match",
                "Value": "score",
                "IsDefault": true,
                "Selected": true
                "Label": "Title (A-Z)",
                "Value": "titleasc",
                "IsDefault": false,
                "Selected": false
                "Label": "Title (Z-A)",
                "Value": "titledesc",
                "IsDefault": false,
                "Selected": false
                "Label": "Price: Lowest to Highest",
                "Value": "salepriceasc",
                "IsDefault": false,
                "Selected": false
                "Label": "Price: Highest to Lowest",
                "Value": "salepricedesc",
                "IsDefault": false,
                "Selected": false

Merchandising Object

Merchandising can be placed by using Campaigns in the Hawksearch Workbench. The Campaign will determine if the content should appear and in what zone. The Merchandising Object may be contained in the response from the Search method.


NameData TypeRequiredDescription
MerchandisingArray of objectsYes
> ItemsArray of objectsYes
>> ZoneStringYesThe name of the zone in which the content should be placed. The zone names are configured in the Hawksearch Workbench > Merchandising > Campaigns > Zones
>> TitleStringYesThe title of the Campaign that is triggering this content to appear. Not intended to display to the user.
>> CampaignIdIntegerYesThe id of the Campaign that is triggering this content to appear. Not intended to display to the user.
>> BannerIdIntegerYesThe id of the Banner that is triggering this content to appear. Not intended to display to the user.
>> ContentTypeStringYesValue can be “image,” “custom,” or “widget.” (Further custom programming required to use the “widget” type.)
>> ImageUrlStringNoIf ContentType=image, this holds the url where the image is located.
>> AltTagStringNoIf ContentType=image, this may be included with the value to be used as the Alt Tag value.
>> ForwardUrlStringNoIf ContentType=image, this may be included. If present, the image should be linkable to the URL provided in the ForwardUrl object.
>> OutputStringNoIf ContentType=custom, the Output object will contain the HTML to display.
>> IsMobileBooleanYesIndicates of this content piece was flagged for mobile in the Workbench > Merchandising > Content Items
>> MobileContentTypeStringNoValue can be “image,” “custom,” or “widget.” (Further custom programming required to use the “widget” type.) It will be sent if the IsMobile object is True.
>> MobileImageUrlStringNoIf MobileContentType=image, this holds the url where the image is located.
>> MobileWidgetArgsStringNoReserved for the ContentType=widget. (Further custom programming required to use the “widget” type.)
>> IsTrackingEnabledBooleanYesIndicates of this content piece was flagged to have tracking enabled in the Workbench > Merchandising > Content Items
>> MobileIsTrackingEnabledBooleanNoIndicates if this content piece was flagged to have tracking enabled for mobile in the Workbench > Merchandising > Content Items
>> TargetStringNoIf the Target setting on the content item is “same window,” this object will not be included in the response. If the Target setting on the content item is “new window,” this object will hold a string, “_blank”
>> MobileAltTagStringNoIf MobileContentType=image, this may be included with the value to be used as the Alt Tag value.
>> MobileForwardUrlStringNoIf MobileContentType=image, this may be included. If present, the image should be linkable to the URL provided in the MobileForwardUrl object.
>> MobileWidthStringNoWidth of image provided in MobileImageUrl.
>> MobileHeightStringNoHeight of image provided in MobileImageUrl.
>> MobileTargetStringNoIf the Mobile Target setting on the content item is “same window,” this object will not be included in the response. If the Mobile Target setting on the content item is “new window,” this object will hold a string, “_blank”.
>> IsTabletBooleanYesIndicates of this content piece was flagged for tablet in the Workbench > Merchandising > Content Items
>> TabletContentTypeStringNoValue can be “image,” “custom,” or “widget.” (Further custom programming required to use the “widget” type.) It will be sent if the IsTablet object is True.
>> TabletImageUrlStringNoIf TabletContentType=image, this holds the url where the image is located.
>> TabletIsTrackingEnabledBooleanNoIndicates if this content piece was flagged to have tracking enabled for tablet in the Workbench > Merchandising > Content Items
>> TabletAltTagStringNoIf TabletContentType=image, this may be included with the value to be used as the Alt Tag value.
>> TabletForwardUrlStringNoIf TabletContentType=image, this may be included. If present, the image should be linkable to the URL provided in the TabletForwardUrl object.
>> TabletWidthStringNoWidth of image provided in TabletImageUrl.
>> TabletHeightStringNoHeight of image provided in TabletImageUrl.
>> TabletTargetStringNoIf the Tablet Target setting on the content item is “same window,” this object will not be included in the response. If the Tablet Target setting on the content item is “new window,” this object will hold a string, “_blank”.
>> TabletOutputStringNoIf ContentType=custom, the Output object will contain the HTML to display.
>> TabletWidgetArgsStringNoReserved for the ContentType=widget. (Further custom programming required to use the “widget” type.)


Example 14.1

    "Zone": "Bottom",
    "Title": "Free Shipping",
    "ContentType": "image",
    "ImageUrl": "",
    "AltTag": "Free Shipping",
    "ForwardUrl": "",
    "IsMobile": false,
    "IsTrackingEnabled": true,
    "MobileIsTrackingEnabled": false,
    "CampaignId": 12345,
    "BannerId": 67890,
    "IsTablet": false

Example 14.2

  "Zone": "LeftBottom",
  "Title": "Popular Tags",
  "ContentType": "widget",
  "Output": [
     "keyword": "jacket",
     "count": 41
     "keyword": "test",
     "count": 40
     "keyword": "keen",
     "count": 21
 "IsMobile": false,
 "IsTrackingEnabled": false,
 "CampaignId": 12345,
 "BannerId": 67890,
 "IsTablet": false

Featured Items Object

The Featured Items Object may be contained in the response from the Search method.


NameData TypeRequiredDescription
FeaturedItemsArray of objectsYes
> ItemsArray of objectsYes
>> ZoneStringYesThe name of the zone in which the content should be placed. The zone names are configured in the Hawksearch Workbench > Merchandising > Campaigns > Zones
>> TitleStringYesThe title of the Campaign that is triggering this content to appear. Not intended to display to the user.
>> CampaignIdIntegerYesThe id of the Campaign that is triggering this content to appear. Not intended to display to the user.
>> BannerIdIntegerYesThe id of the Banner that is triggering this content to appear. Not intended to display to the user.
>> ContentTypeStringYesValue can be “image,” “custom,” or “widget.” (Further custom programming required to use the “widget” type.)
>> ImageUrlStringNoIf ContentType=image, this holds the url where the image is located.
>> AltTagStringNoIf ContentType=image, this may be included with the value to be used as the Alt Tag value.
>> ForwardUrlStringNoIf ContentType=image, this may be included. If present, the image should be linkable to the URL provided in the ForwardUrl object.
>> OutputStringNoIf ContentType=custom, the Output object will contain the HTML to display.
>> IsMobileBooleanYesIndicates of this content piece was flagged for mobile in the Workbench > Merchandising > Content Items
>> MobileContentTypeStringNoValue can be “image,” “custom,” or “widget.” (Further custom programming required to use the “widget” type.) It will be sent if the IsMobile object is True.
>> MobileImageUrlStringNoIf MobileContentType=image, this holds the url where the image is located.
>> MobileWidgetArgsStringNoReserved for the ContentType=widget. (Further custom programming required to use the “widget” type.)
>> IsTrackingEnabledBooleanYesIndicates of this content piece was flagged to have tracking enabled in the Workbench > Merchandising > Content Items
>> MobileIsTrackingEnabledBooleanYesIndicates if this content piece was flagged to have tracking enabled for mobile in the Workbench > Merchandising > Content Items
>> TargetStringNoIf the Target setting on the content item is “same window,” this object will not be included in the response. If the Target setting on the content item is “new window,” this object will hold a string, “_blank”.
>> MobileAltTagStringNoIf MobileContentType=image, this may be included with the value to be used as the Alt Tag value.
>> MobileForwardUrlStringNoIf MobileContentType=image, this may be included. If present, the image should be linkable to the URL provided in the MobileForwardUrl object.
>> MobileWidthStringNoWidth of image provided in MobileImageUrl.
>> MobileHeightStringNoHeight of image provided in MobileImageUrl.
>> MobileTargetStringNoIf the Mobile Target setting on the content item is “same window,” this object will not be included in the response. If the Mobile Target setting on the content item is “new window,” this object will hold a string, “_blank”.
>> IsTabletBooleanYesIndicates of this content piece was flagged for tablet in the Workbench > Merchandising > Content Items
>> TabletContentTypeStringNoValue can be “image,” “custom,” or “widget.” (Further custom programming required to use the “widget” type.) It will be sent if the IsTablet object is True.
>> TabletImageUrlStringNoIf TabletContentType=image, this holds the url where the image is located.
>> TabletIsTrackingEnabledBooleanNoIndicates if this content piece was flagged to have tracking enabled for tablet in the Workbench > Merchandising > Content Items
>> TabletAltTagStringNoIf TabletContentType=image, this may be included with the value to be used as the Alt Tag value.
>> TabletForwardUrlStringNoIf TabletContentType=image, this may be included. If present, the image should be linkable to the URL provided in the TabletForwardUrl object.
>> TabletWidthStringNoWidth of image provided in TabletImageUrl.
>> TabletHeightStringNoHeight of image provided in TabletImageUrl.
>> TabletTargetStringNoIf the Tablet Target setting on the content item is “same window,” this object will not be included in the response. If the Tablet Target setting on the content item is “new window,” this object will hold a string, “_blank”.
>> TabletOutputStringNoIf ContentType=custom, the Output object will contain the HTML to display.
>> TabletWidgetArgsStringNoReserved for the ContentType=widget. (Further custom programming required to use the “widget” type.)
>> ItemsArray of objectsYes
>>> DocIdStringYesValue of the unique key
>>> ScoreNumberYesThe relevancy score that has been calculated by the Hawksearch engine. This is not relevant for the product spotlighting. (The same object structure as Results is used.)
>>> DocumentArray of objectsYesContains the fields assigned to each item. This is driven by the fields defined in Hawksearch Workbench.


Example 15.1

    "FeaturedItems": {
        "Items": [
                "Zone": "Top",
                "Title": "Our Best Rated Jackets",
                "ContentType": "featured",
                "IsMobile": false
                "IsTrackingEnabled": false,
                "MobileIsTrackingEnabled": false, 
                "CampaignId": 12345,                    
                "BannerId": 67890,
                "Items": [ 
                        "DocId": "Item_73519",
                        "Score": 1,
                        "Document": {
                            "image": [
                            "itemname": [
                                "Women's Re-Tool Snap-T® Fleece Pullover"
                            "isonsale": [
                            "size-property": [
                                "Extra Small",
                                "Extra Large"
                            "color-property": [
                            "itemtypeid": [
                            "saleprice": [
                            "rating": [
                            "type": [
                            "url": [
                            "ratingrange": [
                            "imagealttag": [
                            "subdepartmentpath": [
                                "1|Summer Sale",
                            "price": [
                            "department_nest": [
                                "3|Women/Jackets/Fleece Jackets",
                                "1|Summer Sale",
                                "2|Summer Sale/Women",
                                "3|Summer Sale/Women/Jackets",
                                "2|Specials/Sat Dec 15th",
                                "3|Specials/Sat Dec 15th/Women's",
                                "2|Summer Sale/Packs",
                                "3|Summer Sale/Packs/Backpacking Packs",
                                "3|Specials/Sat Dec 15th/Kids"
                            "id": [
                            "sku": [
                                "\r\n    "
                            "brand": [
                        "DocId": "Item_74040",
                        "Score": 1,
                        "Document": {
                            "image": [
                            "itemname": [
                                "Trabagon Rain Jacket / Youth"
                            "isonsale": [
                            "size-property": [
                                "Extra Small",
                                "Extra Large"
                            "color-property": [
                            "itemtypeid": [
                            "saleprice": [
                            "rating": [
                            "type": [
                            "url": [
                            "ratingrange": [
                            "imagealttag": [
                            "subdepartmentpath": [
                                "1|Summer Sale",
                            "price": [
                            "department_nest": [
                                "2|Kids/Girls 5-20",
                                "3|Kids/Girls 5-20/Jackets",
                                "2|Kids/Boys 5-20",
                                "3|Kids/Boys 5-20/Jackets",
                                "2|Specials/Sun Dec 23rd",
                                "3|Specials/Sun Dec 23rd/Girls 5-20",
                                "3|Specials/Sun Dec 23rd/Boys 5-20",
                                "2|Specials/Sat Dec 15th",
                                "3|Specials/Sat Dec 15th/Kids",
                                "2|Specials/Sat Dec 8th",
                                "3|Specials/Sat Dec 8th/Girl's",
                                "3|Specials/Sat Dec 8th/Boy's",
                                "1|Summer Sale",
                                "2|Summer Sale/Kids",
                                "3|Summer Sale/Kids/Girls 5-20",
                                "3|Summer Sale/Kids/Boys 5-20",
                                "2|Summer Sale/Packs",
                                "3|Summer Sale/Packs/Backpacking Packs"
                            "id": [
                            "sku": [
                                "\r\n    "
                            "brand": [
                                "White Sierra"

Client Data Object

This object may be contained in the response from the Search method and Autocomplete method.


NameData TypeRequiredDescriptionNotes
VisitorIdStringYesThis is visitor id that is used for tracking.
CustomStringNoCan be used to send information used for evaluating Visitor Targets.This is what was previously called ‘hawkcustom.’ The value can be used to trigger a Visitor Target as configured in Workbench > Merchandising > Visitor Tagets.
HttpTrueClientIpStringNoClient IP used for evaluating Visitor Targets.Should contain the IP address of end user that has made a request for search
UserAgentStringNoBrowser user agent used for evaluating Visitor Targets.Should contain the user agent of end user that has made a request for search
SourceStringNoSource used for evaluating Visitor Targets.This was previously called ‘hawksource.’ Can be used to track the source the user came from (i.e. email, Instagram, etc)
> OriginOrigin ObjectNoCoordinates to provide current location.
ZipCodeStringNoThis parameter is used for zip code search tracking.


Example 16.1


        "VisitorId" : "2F87556F-AA2F-438E-A52C-AFF4B7E10EB5",

        "Custom" : {"some key" : "some value"},

        "HttpTrueClientIp" : "",

        "UserAgent" : "some agent",

        "Source" : ""


Example of selecting a Language



Prerequisite: A Visitor target rule needs to be defined as: 'Language is en'

ClientData request:


        "Custom" : {"language" : "en"}


Search response:

           "Id" : "10805",

           "Name" : "English"

Example of selecting a Custom field:



Prerequisite: A Visitor target rule needs to be defined as: 'Custom is product'

ClientData request:


        "Custom" : {"custom" : "Products"}


Search response:

           "Id" : "12345",

           "Name" : "Products"

Products Object

This object is contained in the response from the Autocomplete method.


NameData TypeRequiredDescription
ProductsArray of objectsYes
> ProductNameStringYesName of the item (if applicable)
> SkuStringYesSku of the item (if applicable)
> ThumbStringYesURL of image of the item (if applicable)
> UrlStringYesURL of product page (if applicable)
> HtmlStringYesHTML to display the item in autocomplete.
> ResultsArray of objectsNoThis will only be populated if the parameter, DisplayFullResponse, is sent in with ‘true’ as a value. See the Results Object section.


This example shows the products in the response when DisplayFullResponse was set to “false.”

Example 17.1

"Products": [
            "ProductName": "Jack Rabbit SL2 Footprint",
            "Sku": "16161093019000",
"Thumb": "<img class='hawk-sqItemImage-thumb' src='' />",
           "Url": "",
"Html": "<div class=\"hawk-sqItemImage\" ><img class='hawk-sqItemImage-thumb' src='' /></div>\r\n<div class=\"hawk-sqItemContent\">\r\n<h1 class=\"hawk-sqItemName\">Jack Rabbit SL2 Footprint</h1>",
            "Results": {
                "Score": 0
            "ProductName": "Men's Jack SS Polo",
            "Sku": "\r\n    ",
"Thumb": "<img class='hawk-sqItemImage-thumb' src='' />",
            "Url": "",
"Html": "<div class=\"hawk-sqItemImage\" ><img class='hawk-sqItemImage-thumb' src='' /></div>\r\n<div class=\"hawk-sqItemContent\">\r\n<h1 class=\"hawk-sqItemName\">Men's Jack SS Polo</h1>",
            "Results": {
                "Score": 0
            "ProductName": "Boot Jack 25 Downtek",
            "Sku": "\r\n    ",
"Thumb": "<img class='hawk-sqItemImage-thumb' src='' />",
            "Url": "",
"Html": "<div class=\"hawk-sqItemImage\" ><img class='hawk-sqItemImage-thumb' src='' /></div>\r\n<div class=\"hawk-sqItemContent\">\r\n<h1 class=\"hawk-sqItemName\">Boot Jack 25 Downtek</h1>",
            "Results": {
                "Score": 0

Example 17.2

This example shows the products in the response when DisplayFullResponse was set to “true.”

 "Products": [


            "ProductName": "Jack Rabbit SL2 Footprint",

            "Sku": "16161093019000",

"Thumb": "<img class='hawk-sqItemImage-thumb' src='' />",

            "Url": "",

"Html": "<div class=\"hawk-sqItemImage\" ><img class='hawk-sqItemImage-thumb' src='' /></div>\r\n<div class=\"hawk-sqItemContent\">\r\n<h1 class=\"hawk-sqItemName\">Jack Rabbit SL2 Footprint</h1>",

            "Results": {

                "DocId": "Item_153223",

                "Score": 1685.5974,

                "Document": {

                    "image": [



                    "itemname": [

                        "Jack Rabbit SL2 Footprint"


                    "isonsale": [



                    "itemtypeid": [



                    "saleprice": [



                    "rating": [



                    "type": [



                    "url": [



                    "ratingrange": [



                    "imagealttag": [

                        "Jack Rabbit SL2 Footprint"


                    "subdepartmentpath": [



                        "1|Summer Sale",

                        "1|Camp & Hike"


                    "price": [



                    "department_nest": [

                        "1|Camp & Hike",

                        "2|Camp & Hike/Tents & Shelters",

                        "3|Camp & Hike/Tents & Shelters/Tent Accessories",

                        "1|Summer Sale",

                        "2|Summer Sale/Camp & Hike",

                        "3|Summer Sale/Camp & Hike/Tents & Shelters",


                        "2|Specials/Sat Dec 15th",

                        "3|Specials/Sat Dec 15th/Kids"


                    "id": [



                    "sku": [



                    "brand": [

                        "Big Agnes"






            "ProductName": "Men's Jack SS Polo",

            "Sku": "\r\n    ",

"Thumb": "<img class='hawk-sqItemImage-thumb' src='' />",

            "Url": "",

"Html": "<div class=\"hawk-sqItemImage\" ><img class='hawk-sqItemImage-thumb' src='' /></div>\r\n<div class=\"hawk-sqItemContent\">\r\n<h1 class=\"hawk-sqItemName\">Men's Jack SS Polo</h1>",

            "Results": {

                "DocId": "Item_140273",

                "Score": 726.0669,

                "Document": {

                    "image": [



                    "itemname": [

                        "Men's Jack SS Polo"


                    "isonsale": [



                    "size-property": [




                    "color-property": [






                    "itemtypeid": [



                    "saleprice": [



                    "rating": [



                    "type": [



                    "url": [



                    "ratingrange": [



                    "imagealttag": [



                    "subdepartmentpath": [


                        "1|Summer Sale",

                        "1|Summer Clearance",



                        "1|Deals for Dad"


                    "price": [



                    "department_nest": [



                        "3|Men/Shirts/Casual Shirts",




                        "1|Summer Sale",

                        "2|Summer Sale/Packs",

                        "3|Summer Sale/Packs/Backpacking Packs",

                        "2|Specials/Sat Dec 15th",

                        "3|Specials/Sat Dec 15th/Kids",

                        "2|Summer Sale/Men",

                        "3|Summer Sale/Men/Shirts"


                    "id": [



                    "sku": [

                        "\r\n    "


                    "brand": [



            "ProductName": "Boot Jack 25 Downtek",

            "Sku": "\r\n    ",

"Thumb": "<img class='hawk-sqItemImage-thumb' src='' />",

            "Url": "",

"Html": "<div class=\"hawk-sqItemImage\" ><img class='hawk-sqItemImage-thumb' src='' /></div>\r\n<div class=\"hawk-sqItemContent\">\r\n<h1 class=\"hawk-sqItemName\">Boot Jack 25 Downtek</h1>",

            "Results": {

                "DocId": "Item_162525",

                "Score": 5.6634693,

                "Document": {

                    "image": [



                    "itemname": [

                        "Boot Jack 25 Downtek"


                    "isonsale": [



                    "size-property": [

                        "Reg Left",

                        "Long Left"


                    "color-property": [




                    "itemtypeid": [



                    "saleprice": [



                    "rating": [



                    "type": [



                    "url": [



                    "ratingrange": [



                    "imagealttag": [



                    "subdepartmentpath": [


                        "1|Camp & Hike"


                    "price": [



                    "department_nest": [

                        "1|Camp & Hike",

                        "2|Camp & Hike/Sleeping Bags",

                        "3|Camp & Hike/Sleeping Bags/Adult Sleeping bags",


                        "2|Specials/Sat Dec 15th",

                        "3|Specials/Sat Dec 15th/Kids"


                    "id": [



                    "sku": [

                        "\r\n    "


                    "brand": [

                        "Big Agnes"

Origin Object

This object contains geographical coordinates.


NameData TypeRequiredDescription
LatitudeStringYesLatitude is the measurement of distance north or south of the Equator.
LongitudeStringYesLongitude is the measurement east or west of the prime meridian.

Facet Object

The settings for facets are controlled in the Hawksearch Workbench, in the Facets section, under Data Configuration. Details about these settings are documented in the Hawksearch online help. Click here to view. The Facet Object may be contained in the response from the Search method.


NameData TypeRequiredDescription
FacetIdNumberYesUnique identifier assigned to facet by Hawksearch
NameStringYesDisplay name for the facet.
FieldStringYesThe name of the field that populates the facet values.
FieldTypeStringYesPossible values:
FacetTypeStringYesPossible values:
* nested facets need additional coding required on Hawksearch side.
DisplayTypeStringYesPossible values:
This is used in the display of the facet. See the Facet Examples section.
MaxCountNumericYesIndicates the maximum number of facet values that are being returned.
MinHitCountNumericYesIndicates the minimum number of results each facet value needs to have in order to be returned.
ParamNameStringNoIf this is set, it is to be used as the facet name if passed in the FacetSelections. If not set, the value of the Field object would be used. (This is only applicable when a slider and range facets are both configured for the same field.)
SortByStringYesIndicates the sorting logic that is used for this facet’s values. The possible values for this are the parameters for sorting set options that are configured in Workbench > Data Configuration > Sorting/Pagination
ExpandSelectionBooleanYesIndicates if the user should be able to apply more than one filter value from this facet.
IsNumericBooleanYesIndicates if facet values are numeric.
IsCurrencyBooleanYesIndicates if facet values are currency (and should be displayed appropriately).
IsSearchBooleanYesIndicates if search is enabled for this facet. If it is enabled, a search box should be available for users to filter the facet values by typing in the search box.
ScrollHeightNumberYesIf facet display type is Scrolling, this value is the height in pixels for the window inside scroll box. Only to be used if DisplayType is “scrolling.”
ScrollThresholdNumberYesIf the number of facet values exceeds this number and DisplayType is “scrolling,” then the facet should be displayed as scrolling list; if not, display as “default.”
TruncateThresholdNumberYesIf the number of facet values exceeds this number and DisplayType is “truncate,” then the facet should be displayed as truncated list; if not, display as “default.”
TooltipStringNoText to display when user hovers over a help icon.
SearchThresholdNumberYesTo be used if IsSearch=true. The number of facet values must be this number or higher for the facet search box to display.
AlwaysVisibleBooleanYesIf false, indicates that sometimes this facet will not be returned. The conditions that trigger its display are maintained in the Workbench.
NumericPrecisionNumberYeshis is an optional configuration when facets are FieldType of numeric. This number indicates how many decimal places should be displayed for the numeric values in this facet's value list.
ShowfacetimagecountBooleanYesIf FieldType=Range, this indicates if the items count should be displayed next to the range value.
IsCollapsibleBooleanYesIndicates if the facet can be collapsed and expanded by the user.
IsCollapsedDefaultBooleanYesIf IsCollapsible=true, this indicates if the facet should initially be collapsed or expanded.
SortOrderNumericYesThe display order of the facet in the facet list.
IsVisibleBooleanYesIndicates if the facet is set to be visible. This may be returned as No if all records in the results set all have the same value(s) for the facet.
NofVisibleNumericYesThis is maximum number of values that could be returned for the facet.
HeightNumericYesSame as ScrollHeight
SwatchDataArray of objectsNoWill be included if FacetType is ‘swatch.’ See example of swatch facet in Example 18.3.
> ValueStringYesMatch this value to the Value object in the Values array.
> AssetNameStringYesName of the asset
> AssetUrlStringYesURL of the asset
> IsDefaultBooleanYesIndicates if value is the default.
> ColorStringYesColor of the asset.
FacetRangeDisplayTypeNumericYesIndicates type of facet range display
PreloadChildrenBooleanYesIndicates if setting in Workbench is set to On or Off.
ShowSliderInputsBooleanYesTo be used if FacetType is ‘slider’. If ShowSliderInputs is true, input boxes should be available for user to enter values.
RangesArray of objectsYesAlways present, but will only be populated if the facet is numeric and not a slider
> LabelStringYesLabel of the value to display
> ValueStringYesValue to use when setting the facet value selection
> IsNumericBooleanYesIndicates if the values are numeric
> LBoundStringYesLower value of the range
> UBoundStringYesUpper value of the range
ValuesArray of objects
> LabelStringNoLabel of the value to display
> ValueStringNoValue to use when setting the facet value selection
> CountNumericYesNumber of results in current set that have this facet value
> SelectedBooleanYesIndicates if this facet value has been selected
> RangeStartStringNoUsed for displaying the slider facet. RangeStart indicates what the starting point of the range to display, either on basis of what the user selected by sliding the slider, or if they have no selection it reflects the lowest price product.
> RangeEndStringNoUsed for displaying the slider facet. RangeEnd indicates what the end point of the range to display is, either on basis of what the user selected by sliding the slider, or if they have no selection, it reflects the highest price product.
> RangeMinStringNoUsed for displaying the slider facet. RangeMin indicates lowest value for the range in the list of products displayed.
> RangeMaxStringNoUsed for displaying the slider facet. RangeMax indicates highest value for the range in the list of products displayed.
> PathStringNoUsed for nested facets
> LevelNumericNoUsed for nested facets. Returned only in v2 of Search API
> ChildrenArray of objectsNoUsed for nested facets. Returned only in v2 of Search API. Since V2 of API returns nested facet values in hierarchy form, children is an array of Values.


Example 18.1 Link List – Searchable, Collapsible, Truncated


                "FacetId": 272,

                "Name": "Brand",

                "Field": "brand",

                "FieldType": "string",

                "FacetType": "link",

                "DisplayType": "truncating",

                "MaxCount": 200,

                "MinHitCount": 1,

                "ParamName": "brand",

                "SortBy": "6",

                "ExpandSelection": true,

                "IsNumeric": false,

                "IsCurrency": false,

                "IsSearch": true,

                "ScrollHeight": 250,

                "ScrollThreshold": 10,

                "TruncateThreshold": 10,

                "SearchThreshold": 10,

                "AlwaysVisible": true,

                "Values": [


                                                "Label": "The North Face",

                                                "Value": "The North Face",

                                                "Count": 45



                                                "Label": "Columbia Sportswear",

                                                "Value": "Columbia Sportswear",

                                                "Count": 17



                                                "Label": "White Sierra",

                                                "Value": "White Sierra",

                                                "Count": 3



                                                "Label": "Spyder",

                                                "Value": "Spyder",

                                                "Count": 9



                                                "Label": "Skhoop",

                                                "Value": "Skhoop",

                                                "Count": 1



                                                "Label": "Sea To Summit",

                                                "Value": "Sea To Summit",

                                                "Count": 2



                                                "Label": "Royal Robbins",

                                                "Value": "Royal Robbins",

                                                "Count": 1



                                                "Label": "Prana",

                                                "Value": "Prana",

                                                "Count": 1



                                                "Label": "Obermeyer",

                                                "Value": "Obermeyer",

                                                "Count": 1



                                                "Label": "Mountain Hardwear",

                                                "Value": "Mountain Hardwear",

                                                "Count": 2



                                                "Label": "Jupa",

                                                "Value": "Jupa",

                                                "Count": 4



                                                "Label": "Craghoppers",

                                                "Value": "Craghoppers",

                                                "Count": 1



                                                "Label": "Coghlans",

                                                "Value": "Coghlans",

                                                "Count": 1



                                                "Label": "Big Agnes",

                                                "Value": "Big Agnes",

                                                "Count": 1



                                                "Label": "Aventura",

                                                "Value": "Aventura",

                                                "Count": 1



                "Tooltip": "Please select one or more brands.",

                "IsCollapsible": true,

                "IsCollapsedDefault": false,

                "SortOrder": 2834,

                "IsVisible": true,

                "NofVisible": 15,

                "Height": 250,

                "FacetRangeDisplayType": 0,

                "PreloadChildren": false,

                "ShowSliderInputs": false


Example 18.2 Nested Checkbox List – Searchable, Collapsible, Truncated


                "FacetId": 12114,

                "Name": "Department",

                "Field": "department_nest",

                "FieldType": "string",

                "FacetType": "nestedcheckbox",

                "DisplayType": "truncating",

                "MaxCount": 0,

                "MinHitCount": 1,

                "ParamName": "department_nest",

                "SortBy": "ScoreAndAlphaAndAlpha",

                "ExpandSelection": true,

                "IsNumeric": false,

                "IsCurrency": false,

                "IsSearch": true,

                "ScrollHeight": 0,

                "ScrollThreshold": 0,

                "TruncateThreshold": 5,

                "SearchThreshold": 0,

                "AlwaysVisible": true,

                "Values": [


                                "Label": "Specials",

                                "Value": "Specials",

                                "Count": 90,

                                "Path": "Specials"



                                "Label": "Sat Dec 15th",

                                "Value": "Sat-Dec-15th",

                                "Count": 90,

                                "Path": "Specials/Sat Dec 15th"



                                "Label": "Kids",

                                "Value": "Kids",

                                "Count": 90,

                                "Path": "Specials/Sat Dec 15th/Kids"



                                "Label": "Men's",

                                "Value": "Men-s",

                                "Count": 12,

                                "Path": "Specials/Sat Dec 15th/Men's"



                                "Label": "Women's",

                                "Value": "Women-s",

                                "Count": 15,

                                "Path": "Specials/Sat Dec 15th/Women's"



                                "Label": "Sat Dec 8th",

                                "Value": "Sat-Dec-8th",

                                "Count": 53,

                                "Path": "Specials/Sat Dec 8th"



                                "Label": "Boy's",

                                "Value": "Boy-s",

                                "Count": 21,

                                "Path": "Specials/Sat Dec 8th/Boy's"



                                "Label": "Girl's",

                                "Value": "Girl-s",

                                "Count": 20,

                                "Path": "Specials/Sat Dec 8th/Girl's"



                                "Label": "Toddler's",

                                "Value": "Toddler-s",

                                "Count": 16,

                                "Path": "Specials/Sat Dec 8th/Toddler's"



                                "Label": "Sun Dec 23rd",

                                "Value": "Sun-Dec-23rd",

                                "Count": 40,

                                "Path": "Specials/Sun Dec 23rd"



                                "Label": "Boys 5-20",

                                "Value": "Boys-5-20_1",

                                "Count": 21,

                                "Path": "Specials/Sun Dec 23rd/Boys 5-20"



                                "Label": "Girls 5-20",

                                "Value": "Girls-5-20_1",

                                "Count": 20,

                                "Path": "Specials/Sun Dec 23rd/Girls 5-20"



                                "Label": "Fri Dec 21st",

                                "Value": "Fri-Dec-21st",

                                "Count": 8,

                                "Path": "Specials/Fri Dec 21st"



                                "Label": "Kid's",

                                "Value": "Kid-s",

                                "Count": 8,

                                "Path": "Specials/Fri Dec 21st/Kid's"



                                "Label": "Outerwear",

                                "Value": "Outerwear",

                                "Count": 4,

                                "Path": "Specials/Outerwear"



                                "Label": "Men",

                                "Value": "Men_2",

                                "Count": 1,

                                "Path": "Specials/Outerwear/Men"



                                "Label": "Women",

                                "Value": "Women_2",

                                "Count": 3,

                                "Path": "Specials/Outerwear/Women"



                                "Label": "Sportswear",

                                "Value": "Sportswear",

                                "Count": 1,

                                "Path": "Specials/Sportswear"



                                "Label": "Mens",

                                "Value": "Mens",

                                "Count": 1,

                                "Path": "Specials/Sportswear/Mens"



                                "Label": "Kids",

                                "Value": "Kids_1",

                                "Count": 58,

                                "Path": "Kids"



                                "Label": "Baby & Toddler 6M-4T",

                                "Value": "Baby--Toddler-6M-4T",

                                "Count": 17,

                                "Path": "Kids/Baby & Toddler 6M-4T"



                                "Label": "Fleece",

                                "Value": "Fleece_2",

                                "Count": 1,

                                "Path": "Kids/Baby & Toddler 6M-4T/Fleece"


Above is example JSON used for the facet pictured. Not all JSON is displayed here, to preserve space.

Example 18.3 Color Swatch

            "FacetId": 73410,
            "Name": "Color",
            "Field": "color-property",
            "FieldType": "string",
            "FacetType": "swatch",
            "DisplayType": "truncating",
            "MaxCount": 10,
            "MinHitCount": 1,
            "SortBy": "Score",
            "ExpandSelection": false,
            "IsNumeric": false,
            "IsCurrency": false,
            "IsSearch": true,
            "ScrollHeight": 150,
            "ScrollThreshold": 10,
            "TruncateThreshold": 5,
            "SearchThreshold": 10,
            "AlwaysVisible": true,
            "IsCollapsible": false,
            "IsCollapsedDefault": false,
            "SortOrder": 5786,
            "IsVisible": true,
            "NofVisible": 10,
            "Height": 150,
"SwatchData": "[{\"Value\":\"White\",\"AssetName\":\"white2.png\",\"AssetUrl\":\"\",\"IsDefault\":true,\"Color\":null},{\"Value\":\"empty\",\"AssetName\":\"emptySwatch.png\",\"AssetUrl\":null,\"IsDefault\":false,\"Color\":null},{\"Value\":\"red\",\"AssetName\":\"reg.jpg\",\"AssetUrl\":null,\"IsDefault\":false,\"Color\":null},{\"Value\":\"green\",\"AssetName\":\"green.jpg\",\"AssetUrl\":null,\"IsDefault\":false,\"Color\":null},{\"Value\":\"brown\",\"AssetName\":\"brown.jpg\",\"AssetUrl\":null,\"IsDefault\":false,\"Color\":null},{\"Value\":\"black\",\"AssetName\":\"black.jpg\",\"AssetUrl\":null,\"IsDefault\":false,\"Color\":null},{\"Value\":\"Blue\",\"AssetName\":\"blue.jpg\",\"AssetUrl\":null,\"IsDefault\":false,\"Color\":null},{\"Value\":\"Navy\",\"AssetName\":\"navy.jpg\",\"AssetUrl\":null,\"IsDefault\":false,\"Color\":null},{\"Value\":\"Yellow\",\"AssetName\":\"yellow.jpg\",\"AssetUrl\":null,\"IsDefault\":false,\"Color\":null},{\"Value\":\"Purple\",\"AssetName\":\"purple.png\",\"AssetUrl\":null,\"IsDefault\":false,\"Color\":null},{\"Value\":\"Grey\",\"AssetName\":\"grey.jpg\",\"AssetUrl\":null,\"IsDefault\":false,\"Color\":null}]",
            "FacetRangeDisplayType": 0,
            "PreloadChildren": false,
            "ShowSliderInputs": false,
            "Ranges": [],
            "Values": [
                    "Label": "Black",
                    "Value": "Black",
                    "Count": 41,
                    "Selected": false
                    "Label": "Blue",
                    "Value": "Blue",
                    "Count": 34,
                    "Selected": false
                    "Label": "Grey",
                    "Value": "Grey",
                    "Count": 24,
                    "Selected": false
                    "Label": "Pink",
                    "Value": "Pink",
                    "Count": 16,
                    "Selected": false
                    "Label": "Red",
                    "Value": "Red",
                    "Count": 21,
                    "Selected": false
                    "Label": "Purple",
                    "Value": "Purple",
                    "Count": 14,
                    "Selected": false
                    "Label": "White",
                    "Value": "White",
                    "Count": 14,
                    "Selected": false
                    "Label": "Green",
                    "Value": "Green",
                    "Count": 12,
                    "Selected": false
                    "Label": "Navy",
                    "Value": "Navy",
                    "Count": 8,
                    "Selected": false
                    "Label": "Orange",
                    "Value": "Orange",
                    "Count": 6,
                    "Selected": false

Example 18.4 Range Slider

    "FacetId": 91942,
    "Name": "Price slider",
    "Field": "Price",
    "FieldType": "range",
    "FacetType": "slider",
    "DisplayType": "default",
    "MaxCount": 0,
    "MinHitCount": 0,
    "ParamName": "priceslider",
    "SortBy": "ScoreAndAlphaAndAlpha",
    "ExpandSelection": false,
    "IsNumeric": false,
    "IsCurrency": false,
    "CurrencySymbol": "$",
    "IsSearch": false,
    "ScrollHeight": 0,
    "ScrollThreshold": 0,
    "TruncateThreshold": 0,
    "SearchThreshold": 0,
    "AlwaysVisible": true,
    "ShowItemsCount": false,
    "Tooltip": "",
    "IsCollapsible": false,
    "IsCollapsedDefault": false,
    "SortOrder": 8,
    "IsVisible": true,
    "NofVisible": 0,
    "Height": 0,
    "SwatchData": [],
    "FacetRangeDisplayType": 1,
    "PreloadChildren": false,
    "ShowSliderInputs": true,
    "Ranges": [],
    "Values": [
            "Count": 57,
            "Selected": false,
            "RangeStart": "230",
            "RangeEnd": "899",
            "RangeMin": "0"
            "RangeMax": "1229"
    "HiddenValues": [],
    "ShowFacetCount": false

Example 18.5 Open Range

    "FacetId": 150883,
    "Name": "Create Date",
    "Field": "createdate",
    "FieldType": "range",
    "FacetType": "openRange",
    "DataType": "datetime",
    "DisplayType": "default",
    "MaxCount": 0,
    "MinHitCount": 0,
    "ParamName": "",
    "SortBy": "Alpha",
    "ExpandSelection": true,
    "IsNumeric": false,
    "IsCurrency": false,
    "CurrencySymbol": "",
    "IsSearch": false,
    "ScrollHeight": 0,
    "ScrollThreshold": 0,
    "TruncateThreshold": 0,
    "SearchThreshold": 0,
    "AlwaysVisible": true,
    "ShowItemsCount": false,
    "Tooltip": "",
    "IsCollapsible": false,
    "IsCollapsedDefault": false,
    "SortOrder": 18,
    "IsVisible": true,
    "NofVisible": 0,
    "Height": 0,
    "SwatchData": [],
    "FacetRangeDisplayType": 1,
    "PreloadChildren": false,
    "ShowSliderInputs": false,
    "Ranges": [],
    "Values": [
            "Count": 53,
            "Selected": false,
            "RangeStart": "2020-10-27T22:13:20Z",
            "RangeEnd": "2021-09-03T23:32:12Z",
            "RangeMin": "2020-10-27T22:13:20Z",
            "RangeMax": "2021-09-03T23:32:12Z"
    "HiddenValues": [],
    "ShowFacetCount": false

Redirect Object

This object may be contained in the response from the Search method.

NameData TypeDescription
LocationStringWhen this object is populated, the string will hold a URL that should be used to redirect the user. The URL may be relative or absolute. Redirect Rules are configured in Workbench > Merchandising > Redirects
TargetStringIf this string holds the value, "_blank", the URL in the Location object should open in a new window/tab. This is configured in the Target field in the Redirects section of the Workbench.


Example 19.1

 "Redirect": {
     "Location": "/careers",

     "Target": "_blank"

Compare Results Object

The Results Object is returned in the Search method and the Autocomplete method.

NameData TypeRequiredDescription
ResultsArray of objectsYesAn entry in the array for each item returned in compare results.
DocIdStringValue of the unique key
ScoreNumberThe relevancy score that has been calculated by the Hawksearch engine.
DocumentContains propertiesContains the fields assigned to each item. This is driven by the fields defined in Hawksearch Workbench.

Each field is an object with 2 properties:

1. value - may differ depend on field type
2. compare - boolean flag, set to true if field is meant to be used for comparison


Example 20.1 - The values in the Document object will vary. This is dependent on the fields that are configured in your Hawksearch engine workbench, and the fields that are flagged to be included in the results.

  "DocId": "Item_147844",
  "Score": 1,
  "Document": {
    "imagealttag": {
      "value": [
      "compare": false
    "price": {
      "value": [
      "compare": false
    "itemname": {
      "value": [
        "Boy's Glacial Half Zip Jacket Junior"
      "compare": false
    "sku": {
      "value": [
        "\r\n    "
      "compare": true

PageContent Object

This may be contained in the response from the Search method. This is returned as part of Content Landing Pages. Landing pages are configured in Workbench > Merchandising > Landing Pages.

NameData TypeDescription
ZoneNameStringThe name of the zone in which the content should be placed. The zone names are configured in the Hawksearch Workbench > Merchandising > Landing Pages > Layouts. Within Layouts, zone and their names are configured.

Unlike Merchandising Object, the PageContent Object can contain multiple pieces of content to be placed in a single zone.
ItemsArray of objects
> TitleStringIf ContentType=featured, this i the title to display with the featured items.
> NameStringName of content item. Not intended to display to the user.
> Content TypeStringValue can be “image,” “custom,” "featured," or “widget.” (Further custom programming required to use the “widget” type.)
> ImageUrlStringIf ContentType=image, this holds the url where the image is located.
> AltTagStringIf ContentType=image, this may be included with the value to be used as the Alt Tag value.
> ForwardUrlStringIf ContentType=image, this may be included. If present, the image should be linkable to the URL provided in the ForwardUrl object.
> OutputStringIf ContentType=custom, this may be included. If present, it will contain HTML that should be used for display.
> WidgetArgsStringReserved for the ContentType=widget. (Further custom programming required to use the “widget” type.)
> IsMobileStringIndicates of this content piece was flagged for mobile in the Workbench > Merchandising > Content Items
> IsTrackingEnabledStringIndicates of this content piece was flagged to have tracking enabled in the Workbench > Merchandising > Content Items
> FeaturedItemsArray of objectsSee FeaturedItems Object section.


"PageContent": [
            "ZoneName": "Sub Content 1",
            "Items": [
                    "Name": "persona",
                    "ContentType": "image",
                    "ImageUrl": "//",
                    "AltTag": "persona",
                    "ForwardUrl": "",
                    "Output": "",
                    "WidgetArgs": "",
                    "IsMobile": false,
                    "IsTrackingEnabled": false,
                    "MobileWidth": 0,
                    "MobileHeight": 0,
                    "BannerId": 0,
                    "CampaignId": 0
            "ZoneName": "Sub Content 2",
            "Items": [
                    "Name": "persona",
                    "ContentType": "image",
                    "ImageUrl": "//",
                    "AltTag": "persona",
                    "ForwardUrl": "",
                    "Output": "",
                    "WidgetArgs": "",
                    "IsMobile": false,
                    "IsTrackingEnabled": false,
                    "MobileWidth": 0,
                    "MobileHeight": 0,
                    "BannerId": 0,
                    "CampaignId": 0

VisitorTargets Object

This object may be contained in the response from the Search method.

NameData TypeDescription
IdStringWhen this object is populated, the string will hold the unique identifier for the Visitor Target. This is generated by Hawksearch when a Visitor Target is created.
NameStringThis holds the name of the Visitor Target. This can be configured in the Visitor Targets section of the Workbench.


"VisitorTargets": [
            "Id": 9346,
            "Name": "Illinois"


Where do I find the ClientGuid?

When logged into the Hawksearch Workbench, click on the account icon found on the right side of the top bar, next to the logout icon. When your account page loads, look at the bottom where the Tracking Key Guid is displayed.

How does Autocorrect work?

When turned on in the Workbench (Keyword Search > Did You Mean > Auto Correct), Auto Correct will get triggered when the engine initially finds zero results with the keyword passed. Before returning a response to the front-end, the engine will evaluate other terms to see if a close match exists. The values that are used in this comparison are the values of fields where the “Include in dictionary” is set to “on.”

The Minimum Score slider found on the admin screen below is used to set the minimum score match for compared keywords. The higher the value on this slider, the more selective the comparison will be when finding a close match.

What's the difference between Query Parameter and Queryable Field flag?

Queryable field (Query-this-field flag)

If a field needs to be searched upon for all keyword search requests, turn on the "Query this Field?" flag in the field settings

If the field should not be searched against for all requests, instead only for selected requests, use the query parameter as per below example. For details, see Field-specific Search <Link to MISSING Field-Specific Search page>

curl --location '<'>  
--header 'accept: application/json'  
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'  
--data '{  
    "keyword": "ABC123", //this will search for "ABC123" against all fields marked as Queryable
    "ClientGuid": "YOUR_CLIENT_GUID",  
    "ClientData": {  
        "VisitorId": "e8056d14-5f85-4935-8f6b-cc2e0ef0b135",  
        "VisitId": "69729384-3818-4ec2-b91b-350dbdcb5312",  
        "UserAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/115.0.1901.203"  
    "Query": "(somefield.keyword: \"value\" OR anotherfield.text: \"foo bar\")"
curl --location '<'>  
--header 'accept: application/json'  
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'  
--data '{  
    "query": "myfield.keyword:ABC123",  
    "ClientGuid": "YOUR_CLIENT_GUID",  
    "ClientData": {  
        "VisitorId": "e8056d14-5f85-4935-8f6b-cc2e0ef0b135",  
        "VisitId": "69729384-3818-4ec2-b91b-350dbdcb5312",  
        "UserAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/115.0.1901.203"  