Mapping API
API Docs
Detailed technical documentation is available here - Mapping API Documentation
This document defines the Mapping API methods available for Hawksearch v4.0 and the associated objects. This documentation is intended for clients’ development teams to create and maintain the Hawksearch v4.0 indexes. Use this API to create and maintain custom facets sort order on search and landing pages.
Hawksearch has three environments available: Development, Test and a load-balanced Production. When using the search API methods in this document, the following domains can be used to access each environment after your engine has been set-up in that environment.
Before You Begin
Please ensure that your client-specific endpoints are configured before implementing any API integrations. Please refer to this article to learn more about client-specific endpoints and reach out to our CSD team for any questions.
client-specific URL:
Configurations for an engine in this location are maintained in the HawkSearch Workbench at
client-specific URL:
Configurations for an engine in this location are maintained in the HawkSearch Workbench at
client-specific URL:
Configurations for an engine in this location are maintained in the HawkSearch Workbench at
Mapping API Methods
The Upsert method is used to insert mapping records. The mapping records are often categories or departments. There is a limit of 125 mapping objects that can be sent in a request. This method can be called multiple times to accommodate more than 125.
Endpoint | Method | Header Key |
api/mapping/upsert | POST | Content-Type: application/json |
Name | Data Type | Required | Description |
IndexName | String | Yes | Name of the index in which the mapping is being built |
Mappings | Array of Objects | Yes | See mapping Object section. |
Retrieve Mapping
This method can be used to verify the mapping that has been created.
Endpoint | Method | Header Key |
api/mapping | GET | Content-Type: application/json |
Name | Data Type | Required | Description |
IndexName | String | Yes | Name of the index in which the mapping is being built |
Field | string | No | A name of a field to narrow down the mapping results |
Name | Data Type | Description |
Mapping | Array of strings | The object encapsulating the mapping information |
> Field | String | Field name used in the mapping |
> Label | String | Display label of the mapping |
> SortOrder | String | Custom sort order |
Field | String | Field name used in the mapping |
Value | String | Facet value |
Mapping Object
Object | Data Type | Required | Description |
Field | String | Yes | Field name used in the mapping |
Label | String | Yes | Display label of the mapping |
Value | String | Yes | Facet value |
SortOrder | Integer | Yes | Custom sort order |
Mapping API Examples
Use this API to create and maintain custom facets sort order on search and landing pages.
Following operations are provided by Hawksearch mapping API:
- Upsert to add new or update existing mappings
- View Mappings to list the mappings in a json format
General Notes:
Ensure that the header contains the Hawksearch Key for all the operations:
Request headers must contain the Hawksearch API Key as follows:
Format: X-HawkSearch-ApiKey : {your engine API ke}
Example: X-HawkSearch-ApiKey : 12345678-9ABC-DEF0-1234-56789ABCDEF0
Upsert the mapping in a POST request
POST /api/mapping/upsert
"indexName": "elasticdemo.20210903.113840",
"Mappings": [
"Field": "size-property",
"Label": "Extra Small",
"Value": "Extra Small",
"SortOrder": 1
"Field": "size-property",
"Label": "Small",
"Value": "Small",
"SortOrder": 2
"Field": "size-property",
"Label": "Medium",
"Value": "Medium",
"SortOrder": 3
"Field": "size-property",
"Label": "Large",
"Value": "Large",
"SortOrder": 4
Below API request lists the mappings
POST /api/mapping/
"indexName": "elasticdemo.20210903.113840",
"Mapping": {
"Field": "size-property",
"Label": "Large",
"SortOrder": "4"
"Field": "size-property",
"Value": "Large"
"Mapping": {
"Field": "size-property",
"Label": "Small",
"SortOrder": "2"
"Field": "size-property",
"Value": "Small"
"Mapping": {
"Field": "size-property",
"Label": "Medium",
"SortOrder": "3"
"Field": "size-property",
"Value": "Medium"
"Mapping": {
"Field": "size-property",
"Label": "Extra Small",
"SortOrder": "1"
"Field": "size-property",
"Value": "Extra Small"
Updated 5 months ago