Hawksearch has a Recommendations tool that allows merchandisers to post upsell/cross sell products to customers.
Business Requirements
The Hawksearch recommendations feature allows users to place cross sell/upsell/related result widgets on any of the pages on the website. Typically the widgets are placed on any of the pages on the website
- Homepage
- Listing Pages
- Product Listing Page
- News Listing Page
- Events Page
- Any other listing page (blogs, articles, faqs etc…)
- Detail Pages
- Product Detail Page
- Any other detail page (news, events, FAQ)
- Cart pages on Ecommerce sites
- Order confirmation pages on Ecommerce sites
- Event Registration Pages
API Documentation
JavaScript Documentation
If you choose to implement Hawksearch Recommendations through the JavaScript you need to make sure the Hawksearch JavaScript file is includes on the page and then place the recommendations div on the page from the dashboard
HawkSearch Dashboard Setup
Updated over 1 year ago