Please contact Hawksearch support for assistance propagating configured search engines up through the various environments.
Hawksearch has three environments available: Development, Test and a load-balanced Production. When using the search API methods in this document, the following domains can be used to access each environment after your engine has been set-up in that environment.
Development Environment
- Dashboard URL
- Engine Reference URL
For our clients utilizing our Recommendations Feature, please use the URLs below.
- Tracking URL
- Recommendations URL
For our clients utilizing our latest version Hawksearch v4.0, please use the URLs below.
- Search and Autocomplete URL
- Indexing, Hierarchy and Mapping URLs
Test Environment
- Dashboard URL
- Engine Reference URL
For our clients utilizing our Recommendations Feature, please use the URLs below.
- Tracking URL
- Recommendations URL
For our clients utilizing our latest version Hawksearch v4.0, please use the URLs below.
- Search and Autocomplete URL
- Indexing, Hierarchy and Mapping URLs
Production Environment
Please use the URLs below. Also note, .com will be the domain extension used for content related to the Production Environment.
- Manage (Production) URL
- Engine Reference URL
For our clients utilizing our Recommendations Feature, please use the URLs below.
- Tracking URL
- Recommendations URL
For our clients utilizing our latest version Hawksearch v4.0, please use the URLs below.
- Search and Autocomplete URL
- Indexing, Hierarchy and Mapping URLs
Updated about 1 year ago