
Please contact Hawksearch support for assistance propagating configured search engines up through the various environments.


Hawksearch has three environments available: Development, Test and a load-balanced Production. When using the search API methods in this document, the following domains can be used to access each environment after your engine has been set-up in that environment.

Development Environment 

  1. Dashboard URL
  2. Engine Reference URL

For our clients utilizing our Recommendations Feature, please use the URLs below.

  1. Tracking URL
  2. Recommendations URL

For our clients utilizing our latest version Hawksearch v4.0, please use the URLs below.

  1. Search and Autocomplete URL
  2. Indexing, Hierarchy and Mapping URLs

Test Environment

  1. Dashboard URL
  2. Engine Reference URL

For our clients utilizing our Recommendations Feature, please use the URLs below.

  1. Tracking URL
  2. Recommendations URL

For our clients utilizing our latest version Hawksearch v4.0, please use the URLs below.

  1. Search and Autocomplete URL
  2. Indexing, Hierarchy and Mapping URLs

Production Environment

Please use the URLs below. Also note, .com will be the domain extension used for content related to the Production Environment. 

  1. Manage (Production) URL
  2. Engine Reference URL

For our clients utilizing our Recommendations Feature, please use the URLs below.

  1. Tracking URL
  2. Recommendations URL

For our clients utilizing our latest version Hawksearch v4.0, please use the URLs below.

  1. Search and Autocomplete URL
  2. Indexing, Hierarchy and Mapping URLs