Getting Started
General Setup and Usage
Hawksearch Account
You do need an account with Hawksearch before you can get started. Please contact us at [email protected] to establish Hawksearch license.
Magento Extension Installation
To see detailed installation instructions and all available commands, check out the hawksearch/esindexing-magento-2 GitHub repository.
Magento Configuration
Make sure Message Queues are configured on the Magento store. To have message queues processing in automatic mode cron jobs should be configured.
API Connection settings
In the Admin panel of your Magento project fill in API Key, Client Guid settings and select Hawksearch Environment on Stores > Configuration > Hawksearch > Connection Settings tab. Details to find the API Key and Client Guid are posted on here.
Specify API URLs depending on Hawksearch Environment selected. Find out all available domains here.
Tune-in Hawksearch Dashboard
Fields Configuration
Before you push Magento data to HawkSearch it requires some Fields to be created in Hawksearch Dashboard.
Go to Stores > Configuration > Hawksearch > Indexing and enable indexing. You are ready to make your first data push to Hawksearch! To accomplish this run the following CLI command:
php bin/magento indexer:reindex hawksearch_entities
Updated about 1 year ago