Recommendation API


The Hawksearch Recommendation Service provides online retailers and publishers the ability to drive a rich, compelling user experience by presenting products to users based on various strategies. This experience drives visitors to the products that they are seeking faster on your site leading to an increase in conversions.

Typically Hawksearch Recommendations is called using a client side call. However, there may be business use cases that require a server side call to retrieve recommendations, i.e. broadcast email. This document describes how to to call the Recommendations REST API to retrieve Recommendations.


Hawksearch has three environments available: Development, Test, and load-balanced Production. When using the search API methods in this document, the following domains can be used to access each environment after your engine has been set up in that environment.


Before You Begin

Please ensure that your client-specific endpoints are configured before implementing any API integrations. Please refer to this article to learn more about client-specific endpoints and reach out to our CSD team for any questions.


client-specific URL:

Configurations for an engine in this location are maintained in the HawkSearch Workbench at


client-specific URL:

Configurations for an engine in this location are maintained in the HawkSearch Workbench at


client-specific URL:

Configurations for an engine in this location are maintained in the HawkSearch Workbench at

Recommendation API Methods

Requesting Product Recommendation Widgets


EndpointMethodHeader Key
api/recommendation/v2/getwidgetitemsPOSTContent-Type: application/json


visitIdThis should correspond to the visit id stored in the cookie for the user.
visitorIdThis should correspond to the visitor id stored in the cookie for the user.
clientGuidThis should correspond to the Tracking Key for your engine. (To lookup the Tracking Key for your account, please look in the Hawksearch workbench under Admin >> Account Info.)
enablePreviewThis indicates whether preview has been enabled in the admin for that widget.
widgetUidsList of recommendations guids to return.
widgetGuidthis value corresponds to the widgetGuid found in the Hawksearch workbench
uniqueidOptional. This corresponds to the uniqueid of an item that a user is viewing on the page. ie a product detail page. This is optional and if not applicable (ie homepage) can be null.
contextPropertiesAll information will be passed into customProperties.
extendedCustomPropertiesA Dictionary of customProperies objects that is passed into HawkSearch.Context.Custom object on the page should be passed in here.
customPropertiesAll information that is passed into HawkSearch.Context.Custom object on the page should be passed in here.
landingPageUrlIf you are on a landing page that was set up in Hawksearch, this will be the corresponding landing page url of that page.
renderHTMLIf marked as true, Widget HTML will be returned as set in the admin. If false, items will be returned as JSON.
indexNameAvailable for Hawksearch V4.0 API only. The name of the index against which the recommendation search must be performed.
queryAvailable for Hawksearch V4.0 API only. Use this to perform recommendation searches on one or more specific fields without needing to create facets for them. For examples, see Field-specific Search

Sample Request (When HTML Is Requested)


Sample Request (When Items Returned as JSON)


Sample Request (Multiple Visitor Targets)



Please note that a Custom Visitor Traget needs to be defined first Custom Visitor Targets

    "clientGuid": "51c020f7109043e8925e833c10c61c4f",
    "contextProperties": {
        "uniqueId": "bc_27623"
    "extendedCustomProperties": {
        "hawkcustom": [
    "enablePreview": false,
    "landingPageUrl": "",
    "renderHTML": false,
    "visitId": "545d36fc-b6f0-4289-86b5-3f4d2614a089",
    "visitorId": "c3b63dea-2126-4c7e-8c91-65a429f5d825",
    "widgetUids": [
            "widgetGuid": "d431c981-93ba-4e91-9a0e-5492bf99d0a0"



widgetItemsArray of requested widgets.
recommendationItemsArray of items returned . (populated when renderHTMl is set to false in the request body) Within the custom object you will see the fields that map directly with the data fields as long as the corresponding field is marked as Include In Results within the admin. All Other Objects are used for Mappings within the Hawksearch admin. These Mappings are also set up within the Hawksearch admin
htmlString of HTML populated with Item information that ties in with the HTML template set up in the Hawksearch admin. (populated when renderHTMl is set to true in the request body)
widgetGuidGuid of of the corresponding widget you are requesting.
widgetNameString of Name of of the corresponding widget you are requesting.
widgetTitleString of Title of of the corresponding widget you are requesting.
widgetCssClassString of CSS class of of the corresponding widget you are requesting.
isCarouselBoolean indicating if it is marked as a carousel.
carouselDataObject of carousel data. (we use slick JS as a standard so the object closely matches Slick JS objects)
isVerticalBoolean indicating if the widget is marked as vertical.
itemsCountInteger for the total count of items that can be returned in the widget.

Sample Response (When HTML is Rendered)

         "html":"<h4>Our Picks for You</h4>\r\n<div class=\"hawk-recommendation-list itemList\">\r\n  <div class=\"hawk-recommendation-item itemWrapper hawk-itemWrapper\" data-hawk-modelname=\"Featured Items\" data-hawk-modeltype=\"FeaturedItems\" data-hawk-modelguid=\"6627b0a6-b213-48c3-9d12-edba41f207be\">\r\n    <a href=\"\" class=\"itemLink\" onmousedown=\"HawkSearch.Recommender.Track(this,'Item_72341',1)\">\r\n      <img src=\"{EDD68457-FDFD-4FD5-9E16-675B3817B07F}.jpg\">      \r\n    </a>    \r\n    <h3 class=\"itemTitle\">\r\n      <em style=\"display:block\">Industrial Revolution</em>\r\n      <a href=\"\" onmousedown=\"HawkSearch.Recommender.Track(this,'Item_72341',1)\">\r\n        Storm Proof Matches\r\n      </a>    \r\n    </h3>\r\n    <p class=\"itemDesc\">\r\n    </p>\r\n    <p class=\"itemPrice\">\r\n      $4.99        \r\n    </p>\r\n    <div class=\"clearfix\">\r\n      <div class=\"hawk-listingRating\">\r\n        <span class=\"hawk-rating hawk-rated5\" data-ratingvalue='5.0'></span>\r\n        <span class=\"hawk-ratingDecimal\">\r\n          5.0\r\n        </span>  \r\n      </div>      \r\n    </div>\r\n  </div>  \r\n  <div class=\"hawk-recommendation-item itemWrapper hawk-itemWrapper\" data-hawk-modelname=\"Featured Items\" data-hawk-modeltype=\"FeaturedItems\" data-hawk-modelguid=\"6627b0a6-b213-48c3-9d12-edba41f207be\">\r\n    <a href=\"\" class=\"itemLink\" onmousedown=\"HawkSearch.Recommender.Track(this,'Item_136824',2)\">\r\n      <img src=\"\">      \r\n    </a>    \r\n    <h3 class=\"itemTitle\">\r\n      <em style=\"display:block\">Spyder</em>\r\n      <a href=\"\" onmousedown=\"HawkSearch.Recommender.Track(this,'Item_136824',2)\">\r\n        Women's Melody Full Zip Mid WT Core Sweater Vest\r\n      </a>    \r\n    </h3>\r\n    <p class=\"itemDesc\">\r\n    </p>\r\n    <p class=\"itemPrice\">\r\n      $99.00        \r\n    </p>\r\n    <div class=\"clearfix\">\r\n      <div class=\"hawk-listingRating\">\r\n        <span class=\"hawk-rating hawk-rated5\" data-ratingvalue='5.0'></span>\r\n        <span class=\"hawk-ratingDecimal\">\r\n          5.0\r\n        </span>  \r\n      </div>      \r\n    </div>\r\n  </div>  \r\n  <div class=\"hawk-recommendation-item itemWrapper hawk-itemWrapper\" data-hawk-modelname=\"Best Sellers\" data-hawk-modeltype=\"BestSellers\" data-hawk-modelguid=\"d6bac016-c51f-4542-971d-2df859345276\">\r\n    <a href=\"\" class=\"itemLink\" onmousedown=\"HawkSearch.Recommender.Track(this,'Item_154741',3)\">\r\n      <img src=\"\">      \r\n    </a>    \r\n    <h3 class=\"itemTitle\">\r\n      <em style=\"display:block\"></em>\r\n      <a href=\"\" onmousedown=\"HawkSearch.Recommender.Track(this,'Item_154741',3)\">\r\n        Quick Clava JR Fleece Knit Hat  3394\r\n      </a>    \r\n    </h3>\r\n    <p class=\"itemDesc\">\r\n    </p>\r\n    <p class=\"itemPrice\">\r\n      $19.99        \r\n    </p>\r\n    <div class=\"clearfix\">\r\n      <div class=\"hawk-listingRating\">\r\n        <span class=\"hawk-rating hawk-rated2\" data-ratingvalue='1.5'></span>\r\n        <span class=\"hawk-ratingDecimal\">\r\n          1.5\r\n        </span>  \r\n      </div>      \r\n    </div>\r\n  </div>  \r\n  <div class=\"hawk-recommendation-item itemWrapper hawk-itemWrapper\" data-hawk-modelname=\"Best Sellers\" data-hawk-modeltype=\"BestSellers\" data-hawk-modelguid=\"d6bac016-c51f-4542-971d-2df859345276\">\r\n    <a href=\"\" class=\"itemLink\" onmousedown=\"HawkSearch.Recommender.Track(this,'Item_106565',4)\">\r\n      <img src=\"\">      \r\n    </a>    \r\n    <h3 class=\"itemTitle\">\r\n      <em style=\"display:block\">White Sierra</em>\r\n      <a href=\"\" onmousedown=\"HawkSearch.Recommender.Track(this,'Item_106565',4)\">\r\n        Men's Trabagon Rain Pant\r\n      </a>    \r\n    </h3>\r\n    <p class=\"itemDesc\">\r\n    </p>\r\n    <p class=\"itemPrice\">\r\n      <strike>$45.00</strike>\t\t\t\r\n      <span class=\"red\">$34.97</span>\r\n    </p>\r\n    <div class=\"clearfix\">\r\n      <div class=\"hawk-listingRating\">\r\n        <span class=\"hawk-rating hawk-rated0\" data-ratingvalue='0.0'></span>\r\n        <span class=\"hawk-ratingDecimal\">\r\n          0.0\r\n        </span>  \r\n      </div>      \r\n    </div>\r\n  </div>  \r\n  <div class=\"hawk-recommendation-item itemWrapper hawk-itemWrapper\" data-hawk-modelname=\"Most Popular\" data-hawk-modeltype=\"MostPopular\" data-hawk-modelguid=\"c683ce96-fb5c-48bf-b439-5e2ae7998d74\">\r\n    <a href=\"\" class=\"itemLink\" onmousedown=\"HawkSearch.Recommender.Track(this,'Item_72232',5)\">\r\n      <img src=\"\">      \r\n    </a>    \r\n    <h3 class=\"itemTitle\">\r\n      <em style=\"display:block\">The North Face</em>\r\n      <a href=\"\" onmousedown=\"HawkSearch.Recommender.Track(this,'Item_72232',5)\">\r\n        Men's Apex Bionic Jacket\r\n      </a>    \r\n    </h3>\r\n    <p class=\"itemDesc\">\r\n    </p>\r\n    <p class=\"itemPrice\">\r\n      <strike>$149.00</strike>\t\t\t\r\n      <span class=\"red\">$110.97</span>\r\n    </p>\r\n    <div class=\"clearfix\">\r\n      <div class=\"hawk-listingRating\">\r\n        <span class=\"hawk-rating hawk-rated1\" data-ratingvalue='1.0'></span>\r\n        <span class=\"hawk-ratingDecimal\">\r\n          1.0\r\n        </span>  \r\n      </div>      \r\n    </div>\r\n  </div>  \r\n  <div class=\"hawk-recommendation-item itemWrapper hawk-itemWrapper\" data-hawk-modelname=\"Most Popular\" data-hawk-modeltype=\"MostPopular\" data-hawk-modelguid=\"c683ce96-fb5c-48bf-b439-5e2ae7998d74\">\r\n    <a href=\"\" class=\"itemLink\" onmousedown=\"HawkSearch.Recommender.Track(this,'Item_72708',6)\">\r\n      <img src=\"{32611B69-981D-4028-B50C-AFE07D048767}.jpg\">      \r\n    </a>    \r\n    <h3 class=\"itemTitle\">\r\n      <em style=\"display:block\">Black Diamond Equipment</em>\r\n      <a href=\"\" onmousedown=\"HawkSearch.Recommender.Track(this,'Item_72708',6)\">\r\n        18mm Nylon Runner 30cm\r\n      </a>    \r\n    </h3>\r\n    <p class=\"itemDesc\">\r\n    </p>\r\n    <p class=\"itemPrice\">\r\n      $4.50        \r\n    </p>\r\n    <div class=\"clearfix\">\r\n      <div class=\"hawk-listingRating\">\r\n        <span class=\"hawk-rating hawk-rated2\" data-ratingvalue='1.5'></span>\r\n        <span class=\"hawk-ratingDecimal\">\r\n          1.5\r\n        </span>  \r\n      </div>      \r\n    </div>\r\n  </div>  \r\n</div>",
         "widgetName":"Our Picks for You",
         "widgeTitle":"Our Picks for You",
            "responseiveConfig":"[\r\n  {\r\n    \"breakpoint\": 1024,\r\n    \"settings\": {\r\n      \"slidesToShow\": 4,\r\n      \"slidesToScroll\": 4 \r\n    }\r\n  },\r\n  {\r\n    \"breakpoint\": 860,\r\n    \"settings\": {\r\n      \"slidesToShow\": 4,\r\n      \"slidesToScroll\": 4 \r\n    }\r\n  },\r\n  {\r\n    \"breakpoint\": 600,\r\n    \"settings\": {\r\n      \"slidesToShow\": 3,\r\n      \"slidesToScroll\": 3      \r\n    }\r\n  },\r\n  {\r\n    \"breakpoint\": 768,\r\n    \"settings\": {\r\n      \"slidesToShow\": 3,\r\n      \"slidesToScroll\": 3      \r\n    }\r\n  },  \r\n  {\r\n    \"breakpoint\": 480,\r\n    \"settings\": {\r\n      \"slidesToShow\": 2,\r\n      \"slidesToScroll\": 2\r\n    }\r\n  },\r\n  {\r\n    \"breakpoint\": 240,\r\n    \"settings\": {\r\n      \"slidesToShow\": 1,\r\n      \"slidesToScroll\": 1\r\n    }\r\n  }\r\n]"

Sample Response (When Items Returned as JSON)

               "brand":"Eagle Creek",
               "itemName":"Pack-it Sac Large",
               "modelName":"Featured Items",
                  "department_nest":"1|Run & Fitness",
               "itemName":"Trestle 30 X Wide",
               "modelName":"Featured Items",
               "brand":"White Sierra",
               "itemName":"Men's Trabagon Rain Pant",
               "modelName":"Best Sellers",
               "brand":"The North Face",
               "itemName":"Men's Apex Bionic Jacket",
               "modelName":"Most Popular",
               "brand":"Black Diamond Equipment",
               "itemName":"18mm Nylon Runner 30cm",
               "modelName":"Most Popular",
         "widgetName":"Our Picks for You",
         "widgeTitle":"Our Picks for You",
            "responseiveConfig":"[\r\n  {\r\n    \"breakpoint\": 1024,\r\n    \"settings\": {\r\n      \"slidesToShow\": 4,\r\n      \"slidesToScroll\": 4 \r\n    }\r\n  },\r\n  {\r\n    \"breakpoint\": 860,\r\n    \"settings\": {\r\n      \"slidesToShow\": 4,\r\n      \"slidesToScroll\": 4 \r\n    }\r\n  },\r\n  {\r\n    \"breakpoint\": 600,\r\n    \"settings\": {\r\n      \"slidesToShow\": 3,\r\n      \"slidesToScroll\": 3      \r\n    }\r\n  },\r\n  {\r\n    \"breakpoint\": 768,\r\n    \"settings\": {\r\n      \"slidesToShow\": 3,\r\n      \"slidesToScroll\": 3      \r\n    }\r\n  },  \r\n  {\r\n    \"breakpoint\": 480,\r\n    \"settings\": {\r\n      \"slidesToShow\": 2,\r\n      \"slidesToScroll\": 2\r\n    }\r\n  },\r\n  {\r\n    \"breakpoint\": 240,\r\n    \"settings\": {\r\n      \"slidesToShow\": 1,\r\n      \"slidesToScroll\": 1\r\n    }\r\n  }\r\n]"

Sample Response (Multiple Visitor Targets)

    "isSuccess": true,
    "requestId": "b3d1977c-9459-41b3-9c53-2e9fb0e107be",
    "widgetItems": [
            "widgetName": "Featured Products - Test Widget",
            "widgetTitle": "Featured Products",
            "widgetCssClass": "",
            "widgetGuid": "d431c981-93ba-4e91-9a0e-5492bf99d0a0",
            "items": [
                    "brand": "John Deere",
                    "price": null,
                    "imageUrl": null,
                    "custom": {},
                    "customDict": {
                        "s2_product_line_id": "AG",
                        "url_detail": "/used-john-deere-640fd-x334095/",
                        "price_retail": "70930.0000",
                        "group_code": "HDRFLXDRPR",
                    "brand": "John Deere",
                    "price": null,
                    "imageUrl": null,
                    "custom": {},
                    "customDict": {
                        "s2_product_line_id": "AG",
                        "price_retail": "150410.0000",
                    "brand": "John Deere",
                    "price": null,
                    "imageUrl": null,
                    "custom": {},
                    "customDict": {
                        "s2_product_line_id": "CE",
                        "price_retail": "8000.0000",
                        "feature_wholegoods": "Size #1<br/>Straight Teeth",
                        "year": "2019",
                    "brand": "John Deere",
                    "price": null,
                    "imageUrl": null,
                    "isOnSale": false,
                    "custom": {},
                    "customDict": {
                        "s2_product_line_id": "CE",
                        "price_retail": "329300.0000",
                        "year": "2020",

Requesting Multiple Recommendation Widgets

Get Bulk Widget Items returns multiple recommendations for a list of widgets with SKU's. Easch bulk request can contain up to 10 widgets.


EndpointMethodHeader Key
api/recommendation/v2/getbulkwidgetitemsPOSTContent-Type: application/json


visitIdThis should correspond to the visit id stored in the cookie for the user.
visitorIdThis should correspond to the visitor id stored in the cookie for the user.
clientGuidThis should correspond to the Tracking Key for your engine. (To lookup the Tracking Key for your account, please look in the Hawksearch workbench under Admin >> Account Info.)
enablePreviewThis indicates whether preview has been enabled in the admin for that widget.
widgetsList of recommendations widgets to return.
widgetGuidThis value corresponds to the widgetGuid found in the Hawksearch workbench
uniqueidOptional. This corresponds to the uniqueid of an item that a user is viewing on the page. ie a product detail page. This is optional and if not applicable (ie homepage) can be null.
contextPropertiesAll information that is passed into the HawkSearch.Context object on page should be passed in here.
extendedCustomPropertiesA Dictionary of customProperies objects that is passed into HawkSearch.Context.Custom object on the page should be passed in here.
customPropertiesAll information that is passed into HawkSearch.Context.Custom object on the page should be passed in here.
landingPageUrlIf you are on a landing page that was set up in Hawksearch, this will be the corresponding landing page url of that page.
widgetBatchSizebatch size of the recommendation
indexNameAvailable for Hawksearch V4.0 API only. The name of the index against which the recommendation search must be performed.
queryAvailable for Hawksearch V4.0 API only. Use this to perform recommendation searches on one or more specific fields without needing to create facets for them. For examples, see Field-specific Search

Sample Request (Same widget with multiple uniqueIds)

    "visitId": "44324b64-973d-48ca-8c89-0ac12d4b7087",
    "visitorId": "83c081f2-8492-4dee-9bbc-45946907ca60",
    "clientGuid": "dfb51ea2ea1a42e4a53d4e67f7f6847b",
    "enablePreview": false,
    "landingPageUrl": "",
    "widgets": [
            "widgetGuid": "AC843F01-3391-41EE-9DB2-36929A021622",
            "contextProperties": {
                "uniqueId": "Item_124103"
            "widgetGuid": "AC843F01-3391-41EE-9DB2-36929A021622",
            "contextProperties": {
                "uniqueId": "Item_124104"
            "widgetGuid": "AC843F01-3391-41EE-9DB2-36929A021622",
            "contextProperties": {
                "uniqueId": "Item_124105"

Sample Request (Different widget with same uniqueIds)

    "visitId": "44324b64-973d-48ca-8c89-0ac12d4b7087",
    "visitorId": "83c081f2-8492-4dee-9bbc-45946907ca60",
    "clientGuid": "dfb51ea2ea1a42e4a53d4e67f7f6847b",
    "enablePreview": false,
    "landingPageUrl": "",
    "widgets": [
            "widgetGuid": "AC843F01-3391-41EE-9DB2-36929A021622",
            "contextProperties": {
                "uniqueId": "Item_124103"
            "widgetGuid": "ECAEE03B-3B9B-42B2-A645-7E7709BC120D",
            "contextProperties": {
                "uniqueId": "Item_124103"
            "widgetGuid": "BDC3F609-946C-4501-8ABE-2BED63055FB6",
            "contextProperties": {
                "uniqueId": "Item_124103"

Sample Request (Different widget with different uniqueIds)

    "visitId": "44324b64-973d-48ca-8c89-0ac12d4b7087",
    "visitorId": "83c081f2-8492-4dee-9bbc-45946907ca60",
    "clientGuid": "dfb51ea2ea1a42e4a53d4e67f7f6847b",
    "enablePreview": false,
    "landingPageUrl": "",
    "widgets": [
            "widgetGuid": "AC843F01-3391-41EE-9DB2-36929A021622",
            "contextProperties": {
                "uniqueId": "Item_124103"
            "widgetGuid": "9B0E3152-2FEE-4F53-B744-78BF4E9A46A3",
            "contextProperties": {
                "uniqueId": "Item_124104"
            "widgetGuid": "ECAEE03B-3B9B-42B2-A645-7E7709BC120D",
            "contextProperties": {
                "uniqueId": "Item_124105"


Sample Response (Same widget with multiple uniqueIds)

    "widgetItems": [
            "recommendationItems": [
                    "brand": "The North Face",
                    "price": null,
                    "imageUrl": "",
                    "isOnSale": false,
                    "salePrice": "99.0000",
                    "bestFragment": null,
                    "color": "Black",
                    "url": "",
                    "id": "Item_72246",
                    "imageAlt": "TNF-Venture-Jacket-Moonstruck-Grey_Sedona-Sage-Grey",
                    "imageOverAltTag": null,
                    "imageOverUrl": null,
                    "itemName": "Men's Venture Jacket",
                    "maxPrice": null,
                    "maxSalePrice": null,
                    "minPrice": null,
                    "minSalePrice": null,
                    "postDate": null,
                    "rating": "+0000000000000004.0000",
                    "shortDescription": null,
                    "sku": null,
                    "itemIndex": 1,
                    "modelName": "Most Popular",
                    "modelType": "MostPopular",
                    "modelGuid": "7684b354-0b15-49ee-95ec-e9acff0a6f22",
                    "custom": {                       
                        "department_nest": "1|Men",
                        "subdepartmentpath": "1|Summer Sale",
                        "itemtypeid": "3.0000",
                        "listingasseturl": null,
                        "new_field_name": null,
                        "no_of_balls_per_plate": null,
                        "price": "99.0000",
                        "rating": "+0000000000000004.0000",
                        "ratingCopy": null,
                        "ratingCopy2": null,
                        "ratingrange": "4.0000",
                    "customDict": {
                        "department_nest": "1|Men",
                        "subdepartmentpath": "1|Summer Sale",
                        "itemtypeid": "3.0000",
                        "listingasseturl": null,
                        "new_field_name": null,
                        "no_of_balls_per_plate": null,
                        "price": "99.0000",
                        "rating": "+0000000000000004.0000",
                        "ratingCopy": null,
                        "ratingCopy2": null,
                        "ratingrange": "4.0000",
                        "rating_stars": null,
                    "brand": "The North Face",
                    "price": null,
                    "imageUrl": "",
                    "isOnSale": false,
                    "salePrice": "55.0000",
                    "bestFragment": null,
                    "color": "Black",
                    "url": "",
                    "id": "Item_124104",
                    "imageAlt": "124104",
                    "imageOverAltTag": null,
                    "imageOverUrl": null,
                    "itemName": "Youth Resolve Pant",
                    "maxPrice": null,
                    "maxSalePrice": null,
                    "minPrice": null,
                    "minSalePrice": null,
                    "postDate": null,
                    "rating": "+0000000000000005.0000",
                    "shortDescription": null,
                    "sku": null,
                    "itemIndex": 2,
                    "modelName": "Most Popular",
                    "modelType": "MostPopular",
                    "modelGuid": "7684b354-0b15-49ee-95ec-e9acff0a6f22",
                    "custom": {
                        "department_nest": "1|Kids",
                        "subdepartmentpath": "1|Specials",
                        "itemtypeid": "3.0000",
                        "listingasseturl": null,
                        "new_field_name": null,
                        "no_of_balls_per_plate": null,
                        "price": "55.0000",
                        "rating": "+0000000000000005.0000",
                        "ratingCopy": null,
                        "ratingCopy2": null,
                        "ratingrange": "5.0000",
                        "rating_stars": null,
                        "required": null,
                        "sectioncategory": null,
                        "size-property": "M",
                        "type": "Item",                               
                    "customDict": {
                        "department_nest": "1|Kids",
                        "subdepartmentpath": "1|Specials",
                        "itemtypeid": "3.0000",
                        "listingasseturl": null,
                        "new_field_name": null,
                        "no_of_balls_per_plate": null,
                        "price": "55.0000",
                        "rating": "+0000000000000005.0000",
                        "ratingCopy": null,
                        "ratingCopy2": null,
                        "ratingrange": "5.0000",
                        "rating_stars": null,
                        "required": null,
                    "brand": "Lowa",
                    "price": null,
                    "imageUrl": "",
                    "isOnSale": false,
                    "salePrice": "175.0000",
                    "bestFragment": null,
                    "color": "Black",
                    "url": "",
                    "id": "Item_161686",
                    "imageAlt": "Lowa-Ferrox-GTX-Lo-Black_Grey",
                    "imageOverAltTag": null,
                    "imageOverUrl": null,
                    "itemName": "Men's Ferrox GTX Lo",
                    "maxPrice": null,
                    "maxSalePrice": null,
                    "minPrice": null,
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