Getting Started


The HawkSearch Developer Portal provides important information and examples to show you how the platform works. Getting a Sandbox Account in the Developer Environment is a key aspect of this process of learning the platform. This document will help you get a basic sandbox account up and running quickly. You can get more advanced after you complete these initial steps. Our Solutions Engineering team can also help you during your evaluation process or you can work with our Professional Services team as a customer.

Although each HawkSearch implementation is unique and the needs of our customers vary based on their platform, volume of data and other needs, many solutions follow a similar path, so that is how this Sandbox solution has been set up.

Although there are many ways to work with HawkSearch, this Sandbox setup will leverage Postman. If you have questions or issues during this process, please reach out to your account executive.

Video Guide

Step through the process with an expert in this helpful video which steps you through the process.

Postman Collection

The postman collection can be found here:

Note: you may have to right click on the json or copy the text and save it with the .json extension. Then go into Postman and click on the “Import” button on the top left of the UX next to “My Workspace.”

Endpoint Descriptions

Bulk Field CreationFor creating your initial fields in your HawkSearch account. It will work with an import file with a number of fields for testing
Create Single FieldCreates a single field – could be helpful after the initial set up is complete.
Bulk Facet CreationFacets create the filter options on the left hand side of your search results. Some sample facets are included in this sandbox process. There is an import file that is associated with this endpoint.
Create Single FacetIf you would like to add another facet, you can use this endpoint. Note that you would have to populate the index with a new column including this facet.
Create IndexFor creating a new Index in HawkSearch
Bulk Product CreationFor creating the initial set up products in your index. It will work with an import file with roughly 3,000 products for testing
Create Single ProductCould be helpful for adding your own products for testing purposes after the initial sample products are loaded
Set Current IndexSets an Index as the “current” or “live” index which will appear in the search results
Get Current IndexThis will tell you what index is “live”
View IndexesShows list of indexes
Delete IndexDeletes an index – important since there will only be two indexes at a time so the old index will be deleted to create a new index.
SearchBasic example of a search - additional details are here:


After your instance is set up, this process should take roughly 15 minutes to get a sample search page that looks like this: