Managing AI Multiplier
This API enhancement focuses on managing AI Multipliers, allowing for more intuitive and direct interactions. It facilitates both retrieval and updating of individual AI Multipliers
Using API to Get AI Multipliers
Parameter | Type | Description |
LearningSearchMultiplier | float | Boosts items based on click popularity and their position in keyword searches. Must be equal to or greater than 0 and not exceed 3. |
BoostForRecommendedItems | float | Boosts items detected by the Personalized Strategy in Recommendation that overlap with search results. Must be equal to or greater than 0 and not exceed 100. |
OrdersMultiplier | float | Boosts items frequently purchased, based on a rolling 30-day sales history. Must be equal to or greater than 0 and not exceed 3. |
Add2CartsMultiplier | float | Boosts items frequently added to carts by users. Must be equal to or greater than 0 and not exceed 3. |
Get All AI Multipliers
- Endpoint: GET /aimultipliers
- Returns: List of AI Multipliers with details including names and current values.
- Response:
{ "LearningSearchMultiplier": 2.2, "BoostForRecommendedItems": 11.0, "OrdersMultiplier": 2.2, "Add2CartsMultiplier": 1.2 }
Get Single AI Multiplier by Name
- Endpoint: GET /aimultipliers/{name}
- Parameter: name (the unique name of the AI Multiplier, URL encoded).
- Returns: Details of the specified AI Multiplier including its current value.
- Response:
{ "LearningSearchMultiplier": 1.5 }
Using API to Update AI Multipliers
Update All AI Multipliers
Endpoint: PUT /aimultipliers
Payload: JSON object containing updates for all AI Multipliers.
{ "LearningSearchMultiplier": 2.2, "BoostForRecommendedItems": 11.0, "OrdersMultiplier": 2.2, "Add2CartsMultiplier": 1.2 }
Returns: Success message with details of updates.
{ "LearningSearchMultiplier": "updated successfully", "BoostForRecommendedItems": "updated successfully", "OrdersMultiplier": "updated successfully", "Add2CartsMultiplier": "updated successfully" }
Update Single AI Multiplier by Name
- Endpoint: PUT /aimultipliers/{name}
- Parameter: name (the unique name of the AI Multiplier, URL encoded).
- Payload: JSON object containing the update for the specified AI Multiplier
{ "LearningSearchMultiplier": 2.2 }
- Returns: Success message with details of the updated AI Multiplier.
{ "LearningSearchMultiplier": "updated successfully" }
Error Message
Type | Condition | Error Message |
Validation | Minimum value is less than or equal to 0 | The minimum value must be greater than 0. |
Validation | Maximum value for 'BoostForRecommendedItems' exceeds 100 | The maximum value for 'BoostForRecommendedItems' cannot be greater than 100. |
Validation | Maximum value exceeds 3 (for LearningSearchMultiplier, OrdersMultiplier, Add2CartsMultiplier) | The maximum value cannot be greater than 3 |
Validation | Invalid JSON format or incorrect input body | The input provided for the request is invalid. Please validate and confirm JSON format. |
URL Issues | Incorrect URL for GET or PUT | The URL 'aimultipliers/xxxxxxxx' is not correct. |
URL Issues | GET request with incorrect URL (item not found) | The requested item was not found. |
Updated 5 months ago