Hawksearch Extension for Magento Open Source and Adobe Commerce transfers product, category and content pages data to Hawksearch indices. This process is called Indexing.

Extension does support native Magento indexers technique to maintain all site data relevant and up to date. The data can be indexed in automatic mode or manually from the command-line.

Regardless of the indexing mode selected, the final indexing operation processing occurs asynchronously with the help of Message Queues mechanism.

Indexing Settings

Indexing Settings

The Maximum number of items indexed per iteration setting represents the API limit which has a maximum value of 125 items. Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions or need to extend the limit.

Magento indexers

Hawksearch Extension does provide the following indexers:

  • hawksearch_products - Rebuild product items in the index
  • hawksearch_content_pages - Rebuild content page items in the index
  • hawksearch_categories - Rebuild category relations. The indexer controls the integrity of
    Landing Pages and Hierarchy entities.
  • hawksearch_entities - Rebuild all Hawksearch entities index. The indexer is designed to perform full re-index action only.

All indexers above are shared. When you re-index a shared indexer, other indexers with the same shared_index name are labeled as Valid. The reason is in the nature of Hawksearch index which stores all indexed entities (products, pages) in the same physical index.

Invalidate indexers

Indexers invalidation is used to mark some indexers as "Invalid" what will trigger a full re-indexing job for these indexers when the next cron is run. Hawksearch indexers are marked as "Invalid" in the following cases:

  • When "Root Category" or "Website" are changed for Store Group;
  • When "Store" value is changed for Store View;
  • When product attribute is deleted (in case when it is linked to a Hawksearch field).

Automatic indexing

Every change and deletion in products, categories and content pages triggers updates in Hawksearch index deltas. So that, it keeps data in the current production index up-to-date.

In case when any of hawksearch indexers is invalidated the full re-indexing process will be triggered by cron automatically.

Manual indexing

The procedure of manual indexing helps to monitor things step-by-step and troubleshoot any issues related to indexing procedure. To manually trigger full re-indexing for all entities use command in CLI:

php bin/magento indexer:reindex hawksearch_entities

Full re-indexing of individual entity is forbidden. For example, if you'll try to run this command:

php bin/magento indexer:reindex hawksearch_products

you'll get a warning message:

To trigger full re-index please use hawksearch_entities indexer.

Indexed fields

The correct data indexing process requires a proper fields configuration in Hawksearch Workbench.
Some default system fields, product and content page fields should be set up in Hawksearch Workbench. These fields are used to correctly identify documents in HawkSearch index.

Default system fields

The following system fields need to be created:

Field NameSave AsDescription
__uidText ValueThis is the unique item identifier. For products entity_id is used
__typeText ValueThe item type, for example product or content_page


__uid field should be set as Primary Key

Product indexing

Product entities are re-indexed as part of hawksearch_products and hawksearch_entities indexers. See Manual indexing for the reference.

Fields & attributes

You are allowed to configure which product attributes should be mapped to HawkSearch fields and pushed to the index. The attributes configuration can be found on Stores > Configuration > Hawksearch > Products tab.
HawkSearch Field properties are synchronized with Magento Attribute properties 'Is Filterable', 'Is Searchable' and ‘Used for Sorting in Product Listing’ every time configuration setting is saved.
Field properties are NOT synchronized with Magento attribute properties when attribute is chganged in Stores > Attributes > Product section.

Default product fields

The following fields below are pushed to HawkSearch index regardless of what is set in Products configuration setting.


Make sure fields are created in Hawksearch Workbench

Field NameSave AsDescription
nameText ValueProduct name
urlText ValueProduct URL
image_urlText ValueProduct Image URL
thumbnail_urlText ValueProduct Thumbnail URL
type_idText ValueMagento product type
visibility_searchBoolean ValueVisibility in the search
visibility_catalogBoolean ValueVisibility in the catalog
categoryText ValueHierarchical field
Pricing Fields
price_regularNumeric ValueRegular Product Price
price_finalNumeric ValueDiscounted Product Price
price_regular_include_taxNumeric ValueRegular Product Price Including tax
price_final_include_taxNumeric ValueDiscounted Product Price Including tax
price_regular_formattedText ValueRegular Product Price including currency sign
price_final_formattedText ValueDiscounted Product Price including currency sign
price_regular_include_tax_formattedText ValueRegular Product Price including tax and currency sign
price_final_include_tax_formattedText ValueDiscounted Product Price including tax and currency sign
pricegroup<group_id>Numeric ValueDiscounted Product Price per Customer Group
pricegroup<group_id>_include_taxNumeric ValueDiscounted Product Price per Customer Group Including tax
pricegroup<group_id>_formattedText ValueDiscounted Product Price per Customer Group including currency sign
pricegroup<group_id>_include_tax_formattedText ValueDiscounted Product Price per Customer Group including tax and currency sign
price_minNumeric ValueMinimal price for configurable, bundle and grouped products
price_maxNumeric ValueMaximal price for configurable, bundle and grouped products


category field should be set as Is Hierarchical Field?


Before connector version 0.7.0 visibility field was used instead of two separate fields visibility_search and visibility_catalog

Pricing Fields per Customer groups will be pushed for each Customer group created in Magento. The full list of customer groups can be obtained on the page Customers > Customer Groups. Then replace <group_id> in Field name with customer group ID from the list.

Customer groups
Customer groups

For example, if some store has the following groups (see image above) then the following price attributes will be pushed to Hawksearch index:

Field Name

Content page indexing

Content page entities are re-indexed as part of hawksearch_content_pages and hawksearch_entities indexers. See Manual indexing for the reference.

Content page fields


Make sure fields are created in Hawksearch Workbench

Field NameSave AsDescription
titleText ValuePage Title
content_headingText ValueContent Heading
contentText ValuePage Content

Category indexing


Category indexing will be supported in the future extension versions

Category entities (Landing Pages and Hierarchies) are re-indexed as part of hawksearch_categories and hawksearch_entities indexers. See Manual indexing for the reference.