Release Notes


  • Improved field creation logic to ensure proper creation of the "sortorder" field. The field is now a non-stemmed, SINGLE, and sortable field. Previous incorrect creation of this field resulted in landing page creation failure due to missing sortable attributes.
  • Fixed an issue where null CustomURL objects in the Category structure caused the generation task to fail. CustomURLs that are empty will now be included in the Indexing logs and the generation process will continue uninterrupted. If a CustomURL object is empty for a category, a landing page will not be created.



Internal Configuration SettingsUpdated various settings allowing them to be controlled via the internal dashboard rather than the application code


General Bug FixesProduct Visibility Feature fixed

Product API Rate Limit issue for clients with non-enterprise plans. More info BigCommerce rate limits can be found below.
API Best Practices | BigCommerce Dev Center

Run Task button on the App was having issues due to recent a recent Google Chrome update mentioned below.
Chrome Platform Status



General Bug FixesMiscellaneous bug fixes…


Customer Access TokenIf applicable to the integration, HawkSearch may utilize an Access Token provided by the client which may contain additional scopes required which were not approved during the initial application install process.
Meta FieldsIf applicable to the integration, HawkSearch will consume all Product and Variant Meta Attributes.
Product VisibilityIf applicable to the integration, HawkSearch will consume products from BigCommerce which are not marked as visible in the BigCommerce storefront. These products will contain an attribute of “visible_bc: false” for use with visibility rules.



General Bug ImprovementsImproved error handling
Sync Landing Pages ToggleFixed a bug where landing pages would synchronize despite the toggle being turned off.


General Feed Optimization ImprovementsOptimization for data feed generation durations



MSRP Pricing OverridePreviously, if the item had an MSRP price, it was stored as the price for the item. By default, the “price” field will now be used for “Price Retail”.


Additional Functionality

Customer Group DataIf applicable to the integration, HawkSearch will utilize the Customer Group BigCommerce API endpoints to pull back the visibility rules for customer groups in the BigCommerce configuration settings. The main data points utilized will be a mapping between the Customer Group ID and what Categories they are allowed to view. Using these data points will allow HawkSearch to hide any products that a customer group does not have access to based on the customer group id passed in the request as well as the mapping generated.
Alternate Image SortingAlternate images will be stored in the data feed in the same order as what is on BigCommerce

Additional Data Points

FieldField NameDescription
Price Sort BCprice_sort_bcUsed for sorting pricing, this field will contain the Sale Price of the product when present. If the Sale Price does not exist, it will contain the default price of the product.
Rating Averagerating_averageAverage rating for a product
Rating Countrating_countNumber of ratings for a product
Suggested Retail Pricexsuggested_retail_priceMSRP Data from BigCommerce
Total Soldtotal_soldTotal sold quantity for the item in BigCommerce


Additional Data Points

FieldField NameDescription
Date Createddate_createdDate the product was created in BigCommerce
Date Modifieddate_modifiedDate the product was last modified in BigCommerce



Price ListsPrice List fields will now be stored in HawkSearch with the same naming convention as in BigCommerce



Price ListsIf applicable to the integration and enabled on the HawkSearch backend, HawkSearch will utilize the Price List BigCommerce API endpoints to pull back the pricing for customer groups in the BigCommerce configuration settings. Price List data points create a mapping between the Customer Group ID and the associated customer group. Using these data points will allow HawkSearch to display proper pricing per customer group based on the customer group id passed in the request as well as the mapping generated.

The Pricing Display on the listing pages/auto-complete will be handled Automatically. Facets, such as a “Price” Slider can be configured using visibility rules so that the facet will use the Pricing values pertaining to that price list for the customer group.