
  1. Ensure the following prerequisite components are installed through packages:
    1. B2B Commerce for Lightning - by Salesforce
    2. Salesforce CMS - refer to Salesforce help article here -
    3. License Management Application (LMA) - connect with Salesforce Support to know more about this.
    4. Hawksearch Search app - follow this article to setup Hawksearch App - Installation Instructions
  2. Setup Salesforce:
    1. Create a Salesforce community through setup page
    2. Create user groups and users, ensure appropriate permission sets and profiles are mapped to the users.
    3. Setup email notifications
  3. Setup B2B Commerce
    • Follow this guide from Salesforce to setup the store
    • The store page shows a basic checklist to setup the Storefront - ensure these are completed.
    • Content addition (use Salesforce DataLoader for fast turn around time):
      Following are the objects which are commonly used with B2B Commerce:
      accounts, account addresses, entitlement policies, products, product categories, media, and price books into Salesforce using either the Data Import Wizard or Data Loader.
    • Upload Categories data, ensure every category is mapped to the catalog.
    • Upload Products data, ensure every product is mapped to the catalog.
    • Create as many custom fields in the Product sObject as required. Examples color, size, brand, item type, availability, etc and note the list of the custom fields created.
    • Add mapping between products and categories by uploading data to ProductCategoryProduct sObject
    • Add mapping between products and Store pricebooks by uploading data to PriceBookEntry sObject
    • Add mapping between products and BuyerGroup pricebooks by uploading data to PriceBookEntry sObject
    • Ensure standard pricing is available for all products - this means we need to assign the product to a standard pricebook also.
    • Add Entitlement by uploading association data to CommerceEntitlementBuyerGroup and CommerceEntitlementPolicy
    • Associate users created in step 2b with Users and Buyer groups of B2B Commerce app.
    • Setup CMS:
      • Upload images to the CMS.
      • Associate products with the images, ensure the main image is present for all products.