Mapping Fields in HawkSearch for Preview & Autocomplete


Configuration for preview mapping and autocomplete mapping must still be performed within the HawkSearch workbench. Below are the recommended mappings for effective implementation:


For more details about fields configuration, please refer to this article


(HawkSearch Field Name = Optimizely Field Name)

  • Title = ShortDescription
  • Image Url = LargeImagePath
  • Sku = Sku
  • Price = Price
  • Brand = Brand
  • Url = UrlPath

How to add Fields for Preview Mapping

Workbench > Data Configuration > Fields > Add/Edit Fields (e.g. LargeImagePath) > Advanced > Preview Mapping > Select Image URL


For more details about Autocomplete configuration, please refer to this article

Top Facets

  1. Is Enabled? ON
  2. Choose Categories / Facets
    1. BrandName: 1
    2. Categories: 3
    3. ProductLine(Code): 3

Popular Searches

  1. Top Queries
    1. Is Enabled? ON
    2. Use Vistior Targets? OFF
    3. How Many? 3
  2. Auto-Generated Popular Searches
    1. Date Range: --All--
    2. Min. # of Searches? 5

Top Product Matches

  1. Is Enabled? ON
  2. How Many? 6
  3. HTML Template:
    <div class="hawk-sqItemImage">%%THUMB%%</div><div class="hawk-sqItemContent"><h1 class="hawk-sqItemName">%%ITEM_NAME%%</h1></div>
  4. Product Selection: Type is product
  5. Field Mappings
    1. URL: Url
    2. Image: SmallImagePath
    3. Image Alt: ImageAltText
    4. Name/Value: ShortDescription
    5. Sku: ErpNumber

Top Content Matches

  1. Is Enabled? ON
  2. How Many? 5
  3. HTML Template:
    <a href="%%URL%%">%%VALUE%%</a>
  4. Content Selection: Type is content
  5. Field Mappings:
    1. URL: Url
    2. Name/Value: Title

Did You Mean? in Autocomplete

  1. Is Enabled? ON
  2. How Many? 2