Supported Optimizely Versions

Required Commerce Cloud Version:

The XConnect Hawksearch package requires the July 2023 update from Optimizely:
Release: 5.1.2307.3448

See this bug fix:

Fixed an issue preventing some users from using IThirdPartySearch interfaces to create search indexers and search provider implementations.

CMS Version:

The HawkSearch package will work with both of the following:

  • Spire CMS
  • Classic CMS


If there have been ANY adjustments or customizations on Elastic Search, customizations may be required for a HawkSearch installation.

Configured Commerce Cloud Version

ReleaseDateRelease NoteVersionSupported by HawkSearch Connector?
Dec-2312/21/2023STS Release Notes5.2.2312.2363+stsNot Tested
Jan-2401/18/2024STS Release Notes5.2.2401.1894+stsYes
Jan-2401/18/2024LTS Release Notes5.2.2312.2387+ltsYes
Feb-2402/22/2024STS Release Notes5.2.2402.2938+stsNot Tested
Mar-2403/28/2024STS Release Notes5.2.2403.2413+stsNot Tested
Apr-2404/18/2024STS Release Notes5.2.2404.1365+stsNot Tested
May-2405/30/2024STS Release Notes5.2.2405.2604+stsYes
May-2405/30/2024LTS Release Notes5.2.2404.1447+ltsYes
Jun-2406/27/2024STS Release Notes5.2.2406.1982+stsNot Tested
Jul-2407/18/2024STS Release Notes5.2.2407.1375+stsNot Tested
Aug-2408/15/2024STS Release Notes5.2.2408.xxxx+stsNot Tested
Sep-2409/19/2024STS Release Notes5.2.2409.xxxx+stsYes
Sep-2409/19/2024LTS Release Notes5.2.2408.xxxx+ltsYes
Oct-2410/17/2024STS Release Notes5.2.2410.xxxx+stsPotentially will be tested
Nov-2411/19/2024STS Release Notes5.2.2411.xxxx+stsPotentially will be tested
Dec-2412/19/2024STS Release Notes5.2.2412.xxxx+stsPotentially will be tested

Understanding Connector Support for Optimizely B2B

  1. Supported Versions: Our Opti B2B connector is designed to support the latest Long-Term Support (LTS) versions of the Optimizely platform. This includes the current version and the version immediately before it. Moving forward, our focus will be exclusively on supporting Optimizely's LTS versions to ensure stability and reliability for our users.
  2. Short-Term Support (STS) Versions: HawkSearch may conduct basic testing on STS versions, and the results will be shared on our developer portal. If tests are successful, the connector is likely compatible, but we cannot guarantee full functionality. If there are issues, we recommend waiting for the next LTS release before upgrading to ensure compatibility. Customers choosing to upgrade to an STS version should do so understanding the potential risks.
  3. Tested on STS Versions: When we indicate that a connector is tested on an STS version, it means basic regression tests have passed, suggesting it may be safe to upgrade. However, please note that some issues may still occur, and fixes for these may not be available until the next LTS version is released.
  4. Not Tested on STS Versions: If a version is marked as not tested, it means HawkSearch has not performed any compatibility checks for that version. Customers should proceed with caution and at their own discretion when considering an upgrade to these versions.