Create results widget



React SDK setup


  1. Create a file in the widgets directory (e.g. assets/js/hawksearch/react/widgets/search-results.jsx)
  2. Import React and ReactDOM
import React from 'react';  
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
  1. Import the required classes from the included react-hawksearch package
import { Hawksearch, QueryStringListener, SearchBox, FacetRail, Results } from 'react-hawksearch';
  1. Add load event listener in which the widget initialization will be placed
window.addEventListener('load', () => {  
  // Widget initialization steps 5, 6, 7 and 8 go here alongside any other widget related code  
  1. The widget needs to be created on an empty DOM element. Access the designated element using getElementById or in another convenient way.

a. Template for the widget

<div id="hawksearch-react-results"></div>

b. Accessing the element

let component = document.getElementById('hawksearch-react-results');
  1. Create the configuration object for Hawksearch
const config = {  
    clientGuid: '9c2a78v6bc9977w0929w88rf576y4476',  
    apiUrl: '<'>,  
    indexName: ''  

These are only for demonstration purposes. Please contact an administrator from Hawksearch for the configuration data.

  1. Create the App component
function App() {
    return (
        <Hawksearch config={config}>
            <QueryStringListener />
            <div className="hawk">
                <div className="hawk__header">
                    <SearchBox />

                <div className="hawk__body">
                    <FacetRail />

                    <Results />

This declares the structure of the widget and the main inner components. Modify this to adjust the layout.

  1. Render the component instance to the DOM element
ReactDOM.render(<App />, component);
  1. Add the widget’s file reference in index.jsx
  2. Re-build the JS resources (e.g. webpack --mode development)


Mobile support features are dependant on the configuration of the page the widget is placed on. Make sure that the following tag is available in the of the page: