Data Troubleshooting
Display Rules/Reordering Facets
When Facets Will Display
You have the option in Facets to set conditions for when the facet will display.
Workbench > Data Configuration > Facets
Select the facet you want to modify and click the green pencil icon. Scroll to the bottom of the page and you'll see this.
If you switch the "Always Visible" toggle to "on" you will have the option to set up conditions that will display the facet so that it isn't always showing.
Ex. Display Size facet when Category is "Shirts"
Changing the Order of Default Facet Display
As far as the order of the facets go, you may have it set to order the facets by number of clicks on that facet. That's what the red numbers to the left of the Display Name indicate. You could turn this feature off and reorder the facets on the Facets Administration page by clicking the double arrow icon and dragging the facet to a new position, but that is how they will appear on every page.
Changing the Order of Facets for a Specific Landing Page
If you are rendering your landing pages via Hawk, you have the ability to customize the order of the facets displayed for a particular landing page. Switch the "Override Default Facets?" toggle to "on" and type in the facets you would like to include. Click the "add" button and it will appear on the list. Click the double arrow icon and drag the facet to a new position on the list to change the order.
Facet not showing in navigation
Facet/category not displaying on the site.
Steps to troubleshoot
- If this is a new Facet, check to see if the index was rebuilt afterwards:
- Make sure the Facet is set to be visible:
a. Also, check for any Display Rules that would control when to show this Facet:
- Look up the Associated Field to find the Field Name - this should match what's being passed in the data:
- Review the data to make sure items are associated with this new Facet
Facet shows 0 refinements
Facet shows value with 0 matching items.
Steps to troubleshoot
This usually happens when the minimum filter is set to zero.
Edit the Facet and change the "Min Number of Results per Filter" setting to 1 or more:
Facets Aren't Showing Up With One Result
The reason for this being that there are no further options. Many sites have logic in place that will automatically redirect a customer to the product detail page when there is only one result matching the search criteria. There is a way to customize this setting using the workbench.
Customizing This Setting
- Navigate to the Workbench > Data Configuration > Facets.
- Select the facet you wish to modify and click on the green pencil icon to the left of the name.
- Scroll down to the "Checkbox & Link List" section.
- In the image above the Max Number of Filters is set to 1. This means that when there is a minimum of one result, the facets will not display. If you wanted the facets to display regardless, you could set the minimum to zero.
Facets values with commas not showing up
We use comma (" , " ) separated values as a delimiter between unique_id, key and value. In this case, comma is coming in the key itself.
This is the reason that facet value might not be read properly in the imports.
There are two options to make this work:
- Fields containing line breaks (CRLF), double quotes, and commas
should be enclosed in double-quotes. For example:- "aaa","b CRLF
- bb","ccc" CRLF
- zzz,yyy,xxx
- The other option is to change the field name itself to not include comma.
Field missing from response
Specific Field is not being returned in the response from Hawk:
Steps to troubleshoot
- Review the data to confirm there are products associated with the Field
- Check the Fields section in the Workbench to make sure the Field is set to be included in results:
a. If you need to make this change, make sure to rebuild the index afterwards
- Review the Fields guide to confirm this is set up properly
Sending encoded values in the feed
For example, facet values are showing encoded values like below:
If these values are being sent the same through the data feed, please submit a ticket and our technical team can make the necessary changes to decode these properly:
Add la
How Does Hawksearch Handle Thumbnails
Hawksearch uses thumbnails and reduced images in several aspects of the user experience. These images can be developed by Hawksearch on the backend or fed into your feed by pointing to the URL's of the thumbnails.
The thumbnails can be made through Hawksearch from larger images (and if you typically have a faster internet connection, you don't even notice the time it takes for this to occur). The second strategy can utilize pre-made images and the URL's that you are pointing to for thumbnails.
For example, the screenshot below shows thumbnails in the drop down menu of search results.
The thumbnail dimensions for autocomplete are 70x70px.
The difference in implementation really comes up strategically when you are thinking about how you want the UX to be. If you want a ton of photos to be cached on the users computer vs. if you are loading the photos every time a user accesses your page.
To edit the thumbnail dimensions and quality, navigate to the Admin section of the Hawksearch Workbench. From there, you can adjust image upload parameters:
For example:
Indexing Troubleshooting
Duplicated indexing status
Indexing Status shows "duplicated":
Steps to troubleshoot
This is usually caused by the index being triggered while another is already running. Wait until the current index completes, before triggering another index (if necessary).
Index rebuilt but incorrect data was processed
Index ran successfully but the feeds contain the wrong data (pricing, product names, etc).
Steps to troubleshoot
As a quick fix, you can swap the index to revert to the previous one by expanding the Swap Index section in the Indexing Status widget:
Note: This will revert back to the previous index, so be sure to only click the "Swap Index" button once.
Indexing Count lower than usual
Indexing Status widget shows lower count than usual:
Steps to troubleshoot
Since this is usually caused by the number of items sent in the data, review the feeds (along with any processes or customizations on the site end) to determine why the count is lower.
Indexing Status - Error
Make sure the data feeds exist and that the files are not empty
Make sure the feeds were successfully placed onto the data source (ftp/sftp/url)
If you're sending a timestamp file, make sure this includes all of the file names and the correct counts (see Data Feed Requirements for more requirements)
If the data looks correct, you can submit a ticket for our team to further troubleshoot
Keyword Search Troubleshooting
Autocomplete is not showing any matches
Typing in the search box is not displaying the Autocomplete dropdown at all.
Steps to troubleshoot
Check Keyword Search > Autocomplete section to make sure these are enabled:
For the Top Product Categories, at least one facet needs to be selected for this to display
Depending on your /wiki/spaces/HSKB/pages/327904 method, review the documentation on our Autocomplete code and confirm this is correct on the site end
Add label
Did You Mean returning odd keywords
Did You Mean suggestions are showing odd keywords.
Steps to troubleshoot
Review the data to see which fields these odd keywords are coming from
Find the specific field(s) in the Workbench
Turn the "Add phrases to 'Did You Mean'?" setting to "OFF":
Popular Searches are not showing up in Autocomplete
Typing in search box does not show any keywords from Popular Searches:
Steps to troubleshoot
From the Workbench tab, go to Keyword Search > Autocomplete to make sure the Popular Searches section is enabled:
If this is enabled, click on the "Update Popular Searches" button to review the settings:
Check the keywords that are being pulled for Popular Searches by clicking on the "Show top 50 Matching Keywords" button - if there aren't that many keywords returned here, you can try expanding the Date Range or lowering the minimum number of searches:
Check the exclusion section to see whether or not the specific keyword you're testing has been included here:
Synonym phrase not returning results for Synonym
Added a Synonym phrase to a Synonym, but this isn't returning the desired results:
Steps to troubleshoot
In order for Synonym phrases to work, the exact phrase needs to exist within the data feed. If this does exist, make sure the Field is marked as queryable.
Partial keyword not showing autocomplete suggestions but the search results page works fine
This happens because the name field may not:
Be queryable
Be prefix enabled search
Be wildcard enabled search
Have its fieldtype set to “indexed as is and Stemmed”
Making all the above changes will fix the issue.
Queryable field is the one which will be considered for every search operation.
Enabling prefix search will help search for the field’s value with partial value match from the beginning of the value.
When the dataset contains two items with the names -
Nice and good shirts
Good shoes
and we search for “good”, we get back only good shoes in the suggestions because the name field is set as prefix search.
Enabling wildcard search will help search for the field’s value with partial value match from any part of the value.
When the dataset contains two items with the names -
Nice and good shirts
Good shoes
and we search for “good”, we get back both items in the suggestions because the name field contains the partial term anywhere in it.
Having the field as stemmed ensures that multiple combinations of partial words are counted based on the min and max grams defined (default values are 2 and 15) so every substring of length 2 characters, 3 characters and so on upto 15 characters are stored and indexed - please refer to this article for details - Field Configuration: Best Practices - Field Types - Hawksearch Knowledge Base - Confluence (
Merchandising Troubleshooting
Boost/Bury Rule not applied to results
Boost/Bury Rule is not boosting/burying the items chosen.
Steps to troubleshoot
Make sure the rule doesn't have an expiration date:
Check to see if the Boost Value is less/greater than zero:
Click on "Calculate & Show Matches" to see if there are any products that satisfy the conditions:
Can't see uploaded images on selected banner campaign
If you are unable to see uploaded images on your selected banner campaign, determine if the image you are uploading is within the dimensions set for each zone.
Zone 1 (Above Search Results) - Min Width: 10, Max Width: 1200
Zone 2 (Above Navigation) - Min Width: 10, Max Width: 250
Zone 3 (Under Navigation) - Min Width: 10, Max Width: 250
Zone 4 (Below Search Results) - Min Width: 100, Max Width: 1200
Zone 5 (Below Search Results & Zone 4) - Min Width:100, Max Width: 1200
Content Item not showing in results
Content Item is not showing up in results.
Steps to troubleshoot
Make sure you have a Campaign tied to the Content Item that is not expired:
Click on the Campaign to confirm the Content Item setup does not exceed the Max Width:
If you have multiple Content Items tied to the Campaign, check if the Weight value is setup to only show this a percentage of the time:
Check the Display Triggers section - any conditions setup here will control when the Content Item is displayed:
Depending on your User Interface method, review the documentation to make sure the proper div elements exist on the site end
Product Spotlight rule not displaying on the site
Created a Product Spotlight rule but it's not showing up on the site.
Steps to troubleshoot
Edit the Product Spotlight rule to confirm it's tied to a Campaign that is not expired:
Check to see if there are products that match the specified condition(s) by clicking on the "Calculate & Show Matches" button:
If there aren't any matches, try using broader conditions or update the feed so that items are associated with these
Click on the Campaign to confirm the Display Trigger contains valid conditions:
Depending on your User Interface method, review the documentation to make sure the proper div elements exist on the site end
Troubleshooting Boost & Bury Rules
If a boost and bury rule is not working as desired, there are a number of steps that can be taken to determine why.
This section outlines the steps that should be taken to find a solution to the issue you are having.
Trigger set up
If there are multiple triggers added, confirm the condition is set to “Any”. If the trigger is set to “And” the system will require that the user meets both trigger conditions before it applies the boost or bury rule.
Data Configuration
If the products are not displaying within the result set, confirm that they are properly assigned to the category or respective data field or attribute. There are two options to confirm data configuration.
Check your CMS tool to confirm the product has been assigned to the category or attribute.
Open the data file loaded into the FTP to confirm that the product has been assigned to the category or attribute within the appropriate file.
If-Then: Conditional Statements and Logical Operators
What are conditionals? And why should I use them?
A conditional statement (also called an If-Then Statement) is a statement with a hypothesis followed by a conclusion. Another way to define a conditional statement is to say, “If this happens, then that will happen.”
The antecedent is the first, or “if,” part of a conditional statement. The consequent is the second, or “then,” part of a conditional statement. The consequent is the result of the antecedent. Keep in mind that conditional statements might not always be written in the “if-then” form. Conditional statements may be nested such that either or both of the antecedent or the consequent may themselves be conditional or logical statements.
Examples of conditionals you can use in Hawksearch would be the following:
If an item is on sale, then boost it relative to the top of search results.
If an item is discontinued or out of stock, then hide it.
If an item is cheaper than other items in the search results, then bury it to the bottom of the results.
If an item is a very popular item in the department, then pin it to the top of the search results for the department name.
By using well-formed conditionals in Hawksearch to trigger actions, you can precisely enable actions like boost/bury, visibility rules, landing pages, item pinning, etc.
What are conditionals? And why should I use them?
Field Selection
Combining Conditional Statements:
Related articles
Conditional statements are found in Hawksearch to program and select pools of items or content based on certain conditions. The image above highlights the basic features of a conditional trigger.
ANY/ALL Selector Box
Field Selection Dropdown Box
Operator Selection Dropdown Box
Value Input Field (Autocomplete Enabled)
Add Condition Box
Depth Adding Box
Angled Bracket >> Adds a nested condition one layer below the selected condition.
Minus: Clicking on this deletes the selected condition.
From the basic rule box, you are able to set a conditional trigger using a logical conditional statement. When this statement is true then a defined rule or action will occur.
Clicking "Add Condition" allows users to set a new condition.
The ANY/ALL operation selects whether any condition makes the whole statement true, or if all conditions must be true for the whole statement to be true. This is easiest to explain using examples:
This statement is true if the an item is a Columbia Sportswear branded item.
This statement is true if the an item is a Columbia Sportswear branded item OR colored Red.
For this statement anything that satisfies either condition, Columbia brand or Red colored returns true for the whole statement.
Similarly, the following statement returns true for all Columbia, Salomon, and North Face products. Since any product in either of the three brands returns a true statement.
If you now switch the ANY to ALL, you realize that there is no product that satisfies the conditional. The only product that would make this statement true, must be branded as Columbia, Salomon, and The North Face at the same time.
To trigger an action for all Columbia branded items that were colored red, you would set up the following conditional:
Single condition
If a statement only has one condition, it doesn't matter if you use ANY or ALL since they are logically equivalent.
Field Selection
You may select any variable from the drop down box to be the field used to trigger an action.
Conditional statements in Hawksearch utilize several operators to logically evaluate statements. All operators are not applicable to each field, depending on if the operator is derived from data or from user inputs.
Does Not Contain
Contains In
Does Not Contain In
Is Not
Is In
Is Not In
Not all fields are capable of using all operators! Some fields are set as text strings, some as numbers, etc. The settings of a field determine what operators can be used. Also, if you're using a field condition that is explicitly in the data, your entry must be a perfect fit. For example, department name, color, or any other field.
For numerical fields, the operators perform mathematical comparisons.
Does Not Equal
Equals or Greater Than
Equals or Less Than
Greater Than
Less Than
This is the operator to use when you want to target part of a field or keyword. For example, if you want to show a banner to anyone who searches for a Nike branded item in the search bar, even if they specify a type of clothing or attire after it, you could use the following statement. Searches for "Nike", "Nike shoes", "Nike pants", "Nike bag", "Nike ball", and "Nike football gear" would all return true for the following conditional.
This is the operator to use when you want to target part of a field or keyword, while excluding a subset of the results. For example, if you want to show a banner for a hammock sale to anyone who searches for camping in the search bar, while excluding anyone who searches for tents you may set up the following trigger.
Use Contains In when you want to search for any one of several terms to make the conditional true. Think of this as an OR statement. The following example will return true if someone inputs any of the following words into the search bar as a keyword or part of a keyword: camping, hiking, adventure, and sleeping bags.
This operator, Does Not Contain In, negates contains in and is useful to use when you want to exclude part of a data set. Below the example would target search terms for a vacation, that are not summer or water themed.
The Is operator is for an exact match. This is useful when you want to target fields that are clear and precise. For example to target an action for users who are searching or navigating in the Men's and Women's Sportwear Departments, the following trigger would be set up. (Note that ANY must be selected to make sure that every item in either Men's Sportwear or Women's Sportwear would be displayed. If you used ALL, the search would break since it's unlikely that there are items that satisfy both conditions and are in both departments simultaneously.)
The Is Not operator is for an exact match in one term while being able to exclude a subset of the larger condition. This is useful when you want to target fields that are clear and precise. For example to target an action for users who are searching or navigating in the anywhere in the Men's Sportwear Department except for the "North Water Paddle Sport" brand, the following trigger would be set up. (Note that ALL must be selected to make sure that every item that is in Men's Sportwear AND is not from the particular brand would be displayed. If you used ANY, the search would be too broad and would show undesired results since it would return items that satisfy either condition and items that satisfy both.)
The Is in operator is for any one a series of possible exact matches. Think of Is In as IS with an OR in between each term. For example,
This is logically equivalent to this case with the ANY condition setting enabled:
Here's a case where using is in makes a logical condition much easier to understand and implement.
If you wanted to target all boots that were on sale:
Without using Is In, the implementation requires nested statements where another layer of logic is implemented.
Similarly, if you wanted to execute the same statement, while evaluating for departments before checking if an item was on sale, this would require a significantly more complex execution. (This may be the optimal way to do it based on your specific data's structures and characteristics.)
Combining Conditional Statements:
As you have seen from the examples above, complex conditionals can be designed creatively to give you many options to capture a group of items. You can set up series of conditionals using any/all to capture a large group of conditions or an item that satisfies many different conditions. There are many examples of this shown above in explaining the operators. You can nest statements to pick a subset of one condition and not another. For example, the following statement needs to be nested to target both men's boots that cost more than $150 and women's boots over $200 at the same time.
Rule builder not showing suggestions
While defining a rule, Rule builder not sowing suggestions while typing in a keyword:
Steps to troubleshoot
The suggestions are enabled for some of the field types:
Check the field configuration. The above example is for 'Color' field which probably is a facet, if that's the case make sure that the associated facet is created.
City, State, Country , Landing Page, Browser Name, Bucket
Those fields are available under Visitor Targets/Personas. The possible values are immutable and predefined.
Note that the available field list may differ on the Rule Builder, as it depends on the Workbench area.
Reports Troubleshooting
To ensure that clicks are being reported in the Hawksearch Dashboard, the following script should be included in your site.
If you are using the Proxy Implementation for the autocomplete then you do not need to include this script for the click tracking as that script will be bundled as part of the autocomplete script.
Once the script has been included on the page, please use the JavaScript function to add link tracking to track link clicks from the search page.
The parameters of the method and the function call are as follows:
The TrackingID to be used on the call above will appear on the API response. Pass this value as it exactly appears on the call when invoking the link tracking function.
Updated over 1 year ago