Fields & Facets in HawkSearch


This article outlines important information about Fields and Facets in HawkSearch, specifically focusing on values that are not adjustable in the HawkSearch workbench and will be overridden when a full or partial index is run from Optimizely.

Field Setup & Facet Setup References

  1. Field Setup Documentation
  2. Facet Setup Documentation

Non-Adjustable Values


ID Fields

CategoryIdUnique identifier for product categories
ProductIdUnique identifier for individual items
BrandIdUnique identifier for product brands
ProductLineIdUnique identifier for a specific product line
IdUnique identifier for individual items
PersonaIdUnique identifier for customer personas or segments

GUID Fields

CategoriesUnique identifier for product categories
CustomerNames (Customer Part Number)Allows customers to assign their own identifiers to products, facilitating easier ordering when internal SKUs differ
ProductLineUnique identifier for a specific product line
CustomersFrequentlyPurchasedStores customer order history to track frequently purchased products
VersionOptimizely Configured Commerce Cloud Version


While there are no specific facets listed as non-adjustable, facets often correspond to fields. Be aware of the relationship between facets and the non-adjustable fields listed above.

Adjustable Values

Fields Section

You can modify any fields in the Fields section of settings except for those mentioned in the ID Fields and GUID Fields listed as Non-Adjustable Values.

Facets Section

You can modify any facets in the Facets section of settings. However, consider the following when making changes:

  1. Relationship to Fields: Ensure that any changes to facets align with their corresponding fields, especially for facets related to non-adjustable fields.
  2. Impact on Search Results: Modifying facets can affect how users filter and navigate search results. Please test thoroughly after making changes.
  3. Performance Considerations: Complex facet configurations may impact search performance. Please monitor system performance after making changes.